The foot of a man is to his body what the base of a mountain is to the whole mountain.绝对不行!这就沦落为缺乏效率的“精读”了。查生词必须有阅读量的支持,如果光是查生词而不配合读原著,你很快就会厌烦,进而有半途而废的风险,这正是无数人读不懂原著,长年停留在英语蒙昧状态的致命原因:你觉得几个生词重要,还是几百本原著重要?
六十词左右最好用到lantern ;festival等单词
笔者(伍君仪)最初就是在大学四级考试之前努力备考,然而结果不如意,然后抛弃英语教材和教辅资料,转而埋头拿着一台电子词典读原著,很快就包办了接下来所有的英语考试全班第一(连续三次)。读到15本英文原著之后,实现了从“四级及格”到“六级优秀”的神奇飞跃(老版四六级100分制,60分及格,85分优秀,我考了88分)——老版六级优秀是什么概念?当年班上考第二名的同学与我差了9分,另有大约1/3的同学未能通过60分的合格线。记得当年在考六级前夕,人人都在背单词和做题,而我却沉迷于读Sister Carrie(《嘉莉妹妹》)。读研时,我更是透析不止,又大破难度相当高的GRE(语文640分,数学800分,写作5分),进入职场后,又轻松地拿下职称英语A级(99分)。
灯笼(lanterns) various kinds of lanterns have become a symbol of festive occasions, when they can be seen hanging almost anywhere, such as along the streets, in the 。
His greed led to his downfall.
lantern scaldfishChinese lantern is kind of ancient lamps and also called shining lantern. It is thought to originate in 1800 years ago in Western Han Dynasty. Before the annual lunar New 。
所有节日都要,要标上中文和英文灯笼(lanterns) various kinds of lanterns have become a symbol of festive occasions, when they can be seen hanging almost anywhere, such as along the streets, in the 。