10.20课程记录NSE 17.3.3; 18.1.1 first half.

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By 拔丝英语网

Dont be scared of acting class.

Close the door!

Dont close the door!


Dont laugh.

Be quiet.

Dont talk!

I was scared of class in medical school.

What can I do so Im not scared?

I think I have an idea.


…. When

Is Dan Blaze scared when he acts?


I drive.

Do you drive?

Do you drive when you go to the supermarket?


Do you watch TV when you drive?

Dan Blaze is never scared.

Why is he never scared?

Why is he never eat peppers?

Why does he never eat peppers?

Why is you never eat peppers?

Why do you never eat peppers?


因为… because

He is never scared because he is famous.


He is 他是

His 他的




His English very great.

His English great.

His English is great.

His English is great because he practices it a lot.

His English is great because he practiced it a lot.


He has a lot of friends because he was a teacher.

He 后面的单词要小心!!!

How can we make you a famous actor?


How are you? 你怎么样?

How do you go to school?

do 还是 are,重点看you后面那个单词!!!


Do you a good teacher?

Are you a good teacher?

Are you eat cake in the morning?

Do you eat cake in the morning?

I drive to school.

Do you drive to school?

I eat cake when I drive.

Do you eat cake when you drive?

Are you sleepy when you drive?


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