blanket 作名词是“毯子”的意思,这里是动词,表示“像毯子一样覆盖”,Early-season snow blankets Beijing 初冬的大雪覆盖了北京,非常有画面感:
再比如,在环保话题的文章中,如果形容雾霾严重,也可以用这个词:The smog blankets Beijing. 雾霾笼罩了北京。
事实上,在英语的新闻标题中,哪怕事情已经发生,也经常用现在时,比如2020年4月23日 Fox News 新闻频道报道了美国Oklahoma遭受龙卷风影响,题目是这么说的:
Tornadoes rip through (穿透、席卷、猛烈地冲过) Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, killing at least 7
Any account of events that have taken place must use a past tense. Yet newspaper articles may have greater immediacy if they use the present or future tenses where appropriate.
第一段是对题目的重复,这里把 blanket 改成了过去时态 blanketed.
在句子的最后,作者加了一个状语结构交代了大雪造成的影响:prompting highway closures and flight and train cancellations and delays.
prompt 是“促使、导致”,后面加结果,这里可以和 lead to, result in 替换。
表示“导致高速公路封闭,航班火车取消或延误”,我们可能会想到动词结构:cause highway to be closed and flight and train to be cancelled and delayed. 而文中用名词结构就给表达出来了:prompt highway closures and flight and train cancellations and delays,更加简洁。英文是一门静态的语言,常用名词表达动词的含义。
plunge表示“暴跌”,比如 Share prices plunged. 股价暴跌。与之相对的则是 soar,比如最近 Vegetable prices have soared. 蔬菜价格大幅上涨。
freezing 常作形容词/副词,表示“寒冷的(地)”,比如:
The library was freezing. 图书馆太冷了。
但在文中 freezing 是名词,表示“冰点”,above / below freezing 就是“在冰点以上/以下”的意思,比如:
It was well below freezing last night.
文中 plunged to freezing and below 体现出温度的骤降,可以翻译成“温度骤降,达到零度以下”,通顺一点就是“大幅降温,开启零下模式”。
cold front 是“冷锋”的意思,front在这里是熟词僻义,表示冷暖空气团接触的“锋”,比如 a cold/warm front 冷/暖锋。
所以第一句话的意思是:Temperatures plunged to freezing and below as a cold front moved from west to east.
再看第二句:A steady, blowing snow fell Sunday in Beijing, the nearby city of Tianjin and northeastern China after hitting parts of Inner Mongolia and other western regions the previous day.
blowing snow是一个气象术语,英文中是这么解释的:Blowing snow is snow lifted from the surface by the wind, at a height of 8 feet (2 metres) or more, that will reduce visibility. 即较强气流将地面雪卷起,吹扬高度达2米以上,使能见度降低。
steady是“稳步的、持续的”,所以 A steady, blowing snow 就可以理解成“持续强降雪”。
表示“某地遭遇雨雪天气”,可以用动词fall,也可以用hit,文中就出现了这两种表:A steady, blowing snow fell in Beijing; (A steady, blowing snow) hits parts of Inner Mongolia. 多多积累这种同义替换,既可以让自己的表达更灵活,也可以把相关表达一网打尽,印象更深刻~
sight 在这里是“景象、情景”的意思,写作形容某个现象/事物非常普遍,就可以说 XX has become a common sight. 比如描述低头族的时候,我们就可以说:
People whose eyes are glued to their smartphone screens while walking on the streets have become a common sight in China now.
文中 a welcome sight 就是“令人开心的景象、积极的迹象”,比如:
The government's crackdown on private tutoring has been seen as a welcome sight.
为什么 The snow was a welcome sight?后文进行了解释:因为北京气候干燥(has a dry climate),需要人工降雪(artificial snow),而这场大雪缓解了燃眉之急。
venue是“场馆”的意思,可以表示音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场,比如 sporting/conference/concert venue 体育比赛场馆/会议地点/音乐会演出地点,文中 the skiing venues 就是“滑雪场管”的意思。
“举办”一词文中用的是 hold,也可以用 host 表示。
the competitions 指“冬奥会比赛”,替换前面的the Beijing Winter Olympics,属于同义替换。
artificial snow 是“人造雪”的意思,再比如近几年被炒起来的 artificial intelligence(人工智能)。
via 经济学人双语精读