登机手续办理 check-in
国内机场 domestic airport
国际机场 international airport
机场候机楼 airport terminal/departure hall
国内候机楼 domestic terminal
国际候机楼 international terminal
登机牌 boarding pass/card
护照检查处 passport control immigration
行李领取处 luggage/baggage claim
国际航班出港 international departure
国内航班出站 domestic departure
中转 transfers
卫星楼 satellite
中转旅客 transfer passengers
中转处 transfer correspondence
过境 transit
进站(进港、到达) arrivals
报关物品 goods to declare
不需报关 nothing to declare
海关 customs
登机口 (departure) gate
由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures
起飞时间 departure time
降落时间 landing time
延误 delayed
预计时间 scheduled time
购票处 ticket office
大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point
航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service
租车处 car hire
公用电话 public telephone
免税店 duty-free shop
货币兑换处 money/currency exchange
出售火车票 rail ticket
订旅馆 hotel reservation
旅行安排 tour arrangement
行李暂存箱 luggage locker
飞机票 air/airline/plane ticket
旅客姓名 name of passenger
承运人 carrier
旅行经停地点 good for passage between
航班号 flight No.
起点城市 from
座舱等级 class
登机口 gate
机号 plane No.
起飞时间 time
机座号 seat No.
订座情况 status
机票确认 ticket confirm
吸烟座位 smoking seat
非吸烟席 non-smoking seat
空姐:“Anything to drink?”-喝什么?
乘客:“Water (with no ice) 白水(不加冰) / Hot water热水 / Coke(或Pepsi) 可乐 / Diet Coke(Diet Pepsi) 健怡可乐 / Sprite(或Seven Up) 雪碧(七喜) / Orange juice橙汁 / Apple juice苹果汁 / Tomato juice 番茄汁 / Coffee (with cream and sugar) 咖啡(加奶加糖) / Hot tea热茶, please.”
“I’m good, thank you.”如果没有需要,就这句
毯子 Blanket
枕头 Pillow
耳机 Earphones / headphones
眼罩 Eye mask
托盘 Tray
座位袋 Seat pocket
呕吐袋 Air sickness bag
座位后仰 Seat recline
阅读灯 Reading light - 阅读灯
安全带延长器 Seat belt extender
窗帘 Window shade
通风口 Air vent
可折叠的托盘桌 Foldable tray table
扶手 Armrest
座位袋杂志 Seat pocket magazine
厕所冲洗按钮 Lavatory flush button
呼叫乘务员按钮 Call attendant button
救生衣 Life vest
座位袋安全卡 Seat pocket safety card
座位后仰按钮 Seat recline button
机组人员 Cabin crew
机长 Captain
副驾驶员 Co-pilot
空乘人员 Flight attendant
起飞 Takeoff
着陆 Landing
气流湍流 Turbulence
系好安全带 Fasten seatbelt
托盘桌 Tray table
呼叫按钮 Call button
厕所 Lavatory
餐食 Meal
饮料 Beverage
小吃 Snack
机上娱乐 In-flight entertainment
行李架 Overhead bin
航班公告 Flight announcement
氧气面罩 Oxygen mask
紧急出口 Emergency exit
安全带指示灯 Seatbelt sign
男 male
女 female
职业 occupation
国籍 nationality/country of citizenship
护照号 passport No.
专业技术人员 professionals & technical
行政管理人员 legislators &administrators
办事员 clerk
商业人员 commerce
农民 farmer
无业 jobless
原住地 country of Origin
签证签发地 city where visa was issued
签发日期 date issue
前往国家的住址 address while in
街道及门牌号 number and street
签名 signature
1.Why are you visiting the United States?/What’s the purpose of your visit?你来美国做什么?
留学:I’m here to study. I'm an international student.
探亲访友:I’m visiting my friends/son/daughter.
度假旅行:I’m on vacation/holiday.
出差:I’m on business.
2.Where will you be staying?你在美国住哪儿?
I’ll stay in the dorm/a hotel/ with sb. and here’s the address.(出示写有旅馆地址或亲友住址的小卡片,省得纠结地址读法).
3.How long will you be staying?你打算在美国呆多久?
答:I will be here for(时间长度)/ I won’t leave until(具体日期). This is my return ticket to(中国地名). 留学生需要出示 I-20、录取函等比较稳健
4.Have you visited the United States before, and if so, did you remain longer than you were supposed to?你从前来过美国吗?如果来过,你有没有非法滞留?
5.How often do you come to the United States?你多久来一次美国?
6.特别注意:以上问题必须如实回答,并和申请签证时所说的一致。如果遇到更复杂的问题无法用英语交流,就说:“Sorry, could I have a Chinese interpreter?”如果在排队时不小心超出了黄线而自己没发觉,工作人员会提醒你:“Wait behind the yellow line.”