I want some sugar for my coffee.
I want some salt for my soup.
Can you get it for me?
We don't have sugar.
We don't have any sugar.
I can't dance to quiet.
I can't drink coffee without sugar.
I can't live without you.
I can drink coffee with or without sugar.
I like milk in my coffee.
I like ice in my Sprite.
I want to tell you
You can't be here tomorrow?
I have to go to the doctor in the morning.
Can you open the restaurant tomorrow?
What do you do when you open the restaurant?
Unlock the door and turn on the light.
After that, make the food.
That's right. 说得对
I can't unlock the restaurant. I don't have the keys.
Here are the keys.
What time do we open the restaurant?
9 o'clock in the morning
Can you be here at 9 o'clock?
Yes, I can be here tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the morning.