2021年12月24日 NSE11.1.2 Second Half

I want a black table.

Do you want a black table?

Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

That's a good table.

Is that a good table?

That isn't a good table.

It's an excellent table.

How much does it cost?

Now we need a TV.

Isn't that an expensive TV? [ɪkˈspensɪv] 

excuse me

We need two plates and a cup.

That isn't a good cup.

That's an excellent shirt.

It's an ugly shirt.

ugly face 丑脸

I want a good shirt.

This is a cool shirt.

How much does it cost?

That's expensive.

time to ... 到了(做)什么的时间了

time to buy these things

time to have dinner

Time to go

Time to get up

time to sleep

time to leave

time to say goodbye

最后编辑于:2021/12/27 拔丝英语网



