said when there are too many people involved in trying to do the same thing so that the final result will not be good
- There were 15 people in our meeting this morning, all from different opinions. We didn’t manage to complete any of the tasks we had planned. Too many cooks spoil the broth!
我和我的Mr F两个人都是做饭的时候不喜欢被打扰的人,与其说不喜欢,不如说不能。但每当对方在厨房一个人辛辛苦苦忙碌的时候,又总是于心不忍。所以每次不管是我做饭,还是他做饭,另外一个人总会不自觉踏进厨房,”帮帮忙”。这样导致的结果,不仅仅是忘了放盐或者是多放了盐,我们家前前后后因为忘了关火,已经烧掉五口锅了。比如大部分都是因为我好不容易做好饭了,Mr F很想证明自己有用,跑进厨房自告奋勇说他要把炒好的菜倒进盘子里。菜倒是摆得有模有样,把锅放回火上就不管了。而且很可笑的是,我俩总不知悔改…
The pot calling the kettle black.
something you say that means people should not criticise someone else for a fault that they have themselves
- Elliott accused me of being selfish. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
- Don’t tell me I should stop smoking when you smoke, too! That’s the pot calling the kettle black!
英文惯用语里面类似”以五十步笑百步”的成语也很多。我总喜欢吐槽Mr F一有时间就抱着手机玩游戏,他每次都愤愤不平,说我无时无刻不玩手机。然后,他就会说他最喜欢的一句格言来”教导”我:
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
- Zac told me I had a bad taste in music. I replied by telling him that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Zac 认为我对音乐的品味很差,我回复他说你也没有好到哪里去。
- You should have invested your time wisely, but I am one who lives in a glass house so I ought not to criticize.