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1. PTE最新评分配比&分析
2. 讲座预告
3. 模考E卷完美口语答案
1. RA在阅读、口语双边比例全部增加。
a. RA此次在口语、阅读中都增加了10%的涨幅,独占口语和阅读的鳌头。
b. 如果本身发音不错的同学,这就是你们的福音;如果本身发音薄弱的同学,那么增加你们的词汇量,提升发音的准确度,才是你们PTE得分路上的最佳选择。
2. RS 在听力、口语中比例增加,其中口语增幅最大。
a. RS题量不变的情况下,在听力和口语中的占比大幅度增加,超越WFD成为听力第一大题,又超越RA成为口语第一大题,其中在口语中的增幅最大。
b. 由此可见,RS在口语中的大幅攀升,说明RS“要说得好”这个要求变得更加重要。今后练习中,一定要避免出现“听懂了,说不好”的困境,重视RS的流利度及语感。
3. DI 随着题量砍半,占比有所下降,但竟然依然排位第三,处于中等段位,这对学生来说依然是利好消息,要更大地发挥其模板效益,补全口语的分数。
4. RL随着题量的减少,在口语中已经变得微不足道,但不要忽视它在听力中的占比。听力整体难度升高,每一分都值千金,不可小看RL,利用好它的模板优势,训练从原文中抓取关键词的能力。
5. ASQ虽然题量和比重都有所下降,但和RL相比还要更重要一些,加上它在机经题库里的命中率并不小,作为一道有命中率、又可试词的技巧型题目,ASQ的正确率依然要力争上游。
1. RS 成为听力新霸主。
a. RS超越WFD成为听力分数的最高占比,同时RS在口语分数中也超越RA成为了口语分数的最高占比。如此明显的涨幅,说明PTE明显意识到了RS对于学生听力实力的考察分量。不难想象,PTE的AI系统常年收集大数据,应该不难发现考生RS正确率普遍偏低的现象,因此RS是未来最重要的题型之一。
b. 同时,我们发现RS 更多给口语供分,而非听力。这个变化说明官方认为RS最难的地方在于“我听懂了,但是我说不好”,这正是我们“哑巴英语”的最大痛点。在我们借助机经预测充分熟悉RS题目的同时,千万不要忘记“开口说,说流利”才是RS练习中最重要的环节。
2. WFD依然大魔王。
i. 其一,WFD就算屈居第二,依然占据23%听力的庞大比例,和其他题目拉出极大差距;
ii. 其二,和RS相比,WFD明显实操性更强,近乎100%的萤火虫预测命中率,考场上依然可以试词(已由Mock E验证)的做法,让它成为了我们拿下听力高分的最强助力。
3. 听力小题:容错率变小。
1. RA和FIB-RW比例继续上升,原本就是阅读最高占比的两道题,如今变得更加重要。
2. 由此看来,在词汇量或发音这两方面里的任何一方有所薄弱的同学,阅读将更难涨分。
1. WFD在写作中的占比变高,成为写作提分的最大利器。
2. Essay 越来越边缘化。
3. SWT 在阅读/写作两边的占比全部下降。
1. 新题季预警:
Mock E和当初Mock D一样,借用了许多机经题目,甚至是曾经的高频题目。PTE官方曾经说过:“但凡被选进模考的题目,未来就不会再出现在真实考试中。”这意味着题库正在进行剔除换新,不久的将来很有可能出现题库的更新。
2. PTE三座大山形成,精听能力变成核心考核能力
RA RS WFD 因为他们的超高评分比例,成为PTE三座大山。这三个题型对考生能力的需求,可以提炼为三个:1. 精听能力 2. 发音 3. 词汇的认读和拼写。
3. 预测和机经依然是备考利器
RL SST ESSAY SWT的评分比例同时减少,这可能是PTE本身的自我反省,他们发现一部分的技巧可以让考生在主观评价的题目上获得高于他们本身能力的分数,这也说明了培生PTE现阶段对主观题目评分的局限性。
1. For graduates looking to give something back, volunteering, either in the UK or overseas, is a popular option. Voluntary projects can cost anything from nothing up to a few thousand pounds and with that in mind it is essential to look into the project carefully before signing on the dotted line.
2. A level of competence in chemistry is essential to the professional practice of material conservation. An understanding of scientific concepts and a basic scientific vocabulary enables the conservator to understand conservation problems, treatments, material and techniques in a systematic and quantifiable way, which can be communicated not only to colleagues in the profession but also those from other disciplines.
3. Since its inception, the United Nations system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through sustainable agriculture. The majority of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas of developing countries. They depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. This makes them particularly vulnerable to manmade and natural influences that reduce agricultural production.
4. Business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part the result of a realisation that they had inadvertently limited their applicant pool by requiring several years’ work experience. Talented students who might otherwise have gone to business school instead opted for a law or policy degree because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experience.
5. The terms ‘voice’ and ‘text’ are multifaceted. Both have a wide range of possible meanings in everyday speech and academic usage. You may encounter the two words used in a variety of ways, in connection with different subjects, and they won’t always mean exactly the same thing.
6. The majority of early pictures in the Gallery’s care are by unknown artists, and fundamental questions such as when, where and why they were painted still remain to be answered. Through the application of scientific methods, this project has the potential to unlock key evidence that will allow us to determine answers to these questions.
1. The United States has the largest chocolate manufacturing industry.
2. The bus right out in front will take you to the station.
3. There will be no classes scheduled during the exam week.
4. Just wait a minute. I will be with you shortly.
5. There is only one conclusion to this line of thought.
6. You should inquire about direct deposit.
7. We’ll study the following two pictures in the next lecture.
8. Please pass these handouts along to the rest of the people in your row.
9. The first step is to establish a baseline of known distance.
10. A renowned economist is slated to speak this evening at eight.
11. When demand for the course rose, university authorities took on additional academic staff
1. Latin America
What has happened in Latin America as a result of globalization? Well, they have had now more than a decade of what is called reform, a decade of globalization. And throughout the continent, people are asking questions like How has reform failed us? Has globalization failed us? Because clearly things have not worked out the way they were told they ought to. Just to give you a picture, they were told that reform would lead to faster economic growth. After a decade, what are the numbers? In fact, recent growth is far slower than it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s before reform. That is not a very inspiring success story. Even in the beginning part of the 90s, growth was still below what it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s, but the growth it got in the beginning of the period was not sustainable and it was not sustained. Throughout the region, poverty, as measured on the $2 a day standard as a percentage of the population was actually up.
2. Four Dimensions
Let me begin with the notion of a dimension. The dimension of simply how many numbers that you need to specify a location. So if we think about the surface of the Earth, the equator is one dimensional. We need to specify only one number to specify a location on the equator, namely the longitude. The surface of the Earth altogether is, of course, two dimensional. You need to specify two numbers the latitude and longitude to specify a location on the Earth. The space above the Earth is three dimensional. If I want to tell you the location of a hang glider, I need to give you the latitude and longitude and altitude. But mathematically, there’s no reason to stop at three dimensions. A four dimensional space is simply a space in which you need to specify for numbers to specify a location and that space. A five dimensional space would be one in which you need to specify five numbers, etc. in fact, by claim, you already know an example of a four dimensional space. So let’s define an event just to be an occurrence that happens in a small region of space at a definite time. In other words, an event is like a snap of your fingers or a class of your hands, and now the collection of all of. If I want to specify an event, I need to give you four numbers. I need to tell you where it happens in space and when it happens and time.
1. What building on campus can you borrow books from? – Library.
2. In which academic field to people study things that happened in the past? – History.
3. What do you call a person who is receiving care in a hospital? – Patient.
4. A jar contains eight black marbles and two white marbles. If I select one marble at random, what colour is it most likely to be? – Black.
5.Agriculture refers to the production of food and goods through what activity? – Farm / Farming / Cultivate / Cultivation.
6. What part of a guitar do you strum with your fingers? – Strings.
What official document protects the creator’s rights to his or her invention? – Patent.
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