第一次去英国留学 应 该 怎 么 准 备 出发前之准备 1.路线、接机 首先,列出了三个机构的网址,希望对大家安排行程有所帮助: (1)British Tourist Authority(英国旅游局) www.visitbritain.com 旅游信息,旅行路线,临时住宿等信息 (2)National Express(英国国家快运系统长途汽车) ...阅读全文
第一次去英国留学 应 该 怎 么 准 备 出发前之准备 1.路线、接机 首先,列出了三个机构的网址,希望对大家安排行程有所帮助: (1)British Tourist Authority(英国旅游局) www.visitbritain.com 旅游信息,旅行路线,临时住宿等信息 (2)National Express(英国国家快运系统长途汽车) ...阅读全文
相信每个人心中 都有一个环游世界的梦想 想出去感受不同的人和风景 体验不一样的的人生 但你知道持有英国签证 有许多国家可以直接免签入境吗?! 今天小编就来总结一下 持有英国签证能去哪些国家和地区! 英国皇家三大“属地岛” 英国皇家属地属于英国皇室,根西岛、泽西岛以及马恩岛,这三个岛不管是领土还是主权都不属于英国,是英国皇室的私人属地,称为英国皇家属地。 岛上的居民虽然拥有英 ...阅读全文
写作社群有同学提到了一个问题:no pain, no gain应该是no pains, no gains吧? 不少同学可能会用no pains, no gains来表示“一分耕耘,一分收获”,不少英语老师可能也是这么教的。但实际上no pain, no gain才是正确说法,它已经成了一个固定短语,反倒是国内经常看到的no pains, no gains在英文世界中极少出现。 &nb ...
Bridging Visa,也叫过桥签证,这个名词对有续签或者更换签证需求的同学来说一定不陌生,那么过桥签证具体是什么呢?是否有特殊的要求需要注意,它又与我们之前的签证有什么不同呢?带着这些问题,让我们一起开始今天的科普吧! 过桥签证究竟是什么 过桥签证(Bridging Visa),顾名思义,是一种临时的签证,主要是提供给签证即将到期,又正在申请其他实质性签证(Substantive Visa) ...阅读全文
外刊阅读 本文选自《纽约时报》,大家慢慢“食用”~可以尝试自己做精读,当然也可以直接泛读了解一下相关资讯就可以。 In Macau, Skipping the Casinos, but Embracing the Past As we bumped along in the No. 25 bus on Estrada do Istmo, it was impossib ...
If a polypeptide acts as an enzyme or is part of an enzyme,a mutation in its gene sometimes results in a deficiency of that enzyme,with a consequent blockage in the biochemical pathway where that enzy ...阅读全文
In this first chapter the history of animal breeding is presented. The importance of selection by nature and important aspects of the domestication process will be described. Mankind started to create ...阅读全文
Selection for a recessive gene is relatively simple, if penetrance is complete and genes do not vary too much in their expression. Selection unde. such conditions is merely a matter of keeping those i ...阅读全文
Collateral relatives are those not directly related to an individual as ancestors or progeny.Thus,they are the individual's brothers,sisters,cousins,uncles.aunts,etc.The more closely they are related ...阅读全文
Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis, 3rd Edition Basic prevention and control measures Little information is lnown regarding the pathogenesis of Protus spp. Control procedures effective against oth ...阅读全文
本次分享Alberto Martin Cordero的Bacterial Skin Infections in Small Animals presentation. Because the infection is secondary, the area affected will vary depending on the underlying cause. In cases of traum ...阅读全文
《沉默的羔羊》英文版名字是The Silence of the Lambs 作者Thomas Harris As part of the search for a serial murderer nicknames "Buffalo Bill," FBI trainee Clarice Starling is given an assignment. She must visit a man co ...阅读全文