语法讲解视频The Complete English Grammar Series(近13小时,十集全)

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By 拔丝英语网

全球第二语言习得(Second Language Acquisition,SLA)泰斗、“输入假说(the Input Hypothesis)”的提出者Stephen D. Krashen曾经指出,对于语法的学习,如果是以目标语言(如英语)进行的,那么这种学习同时还能够起到语言习得的良好作用。我想,之所以朋友们对于收集纯英文语法学习内容这么感兴趣,这就是其中的道理。
前面我曾经介绍过Holmwood’s Grammar Training这套材料(请不要问,后面会发),以及来自Video Aided Instruction的Learning English Steps 1-3,都是语法教学的纯英文内容。今天,我来向大家介绍这套同样来自Video Aided Instruction的The Complete English Grammar Video Series,播讲者Karl Weber,总共十部视频,总时长将近13小时。
我们看到,讲师Karl Weber侃侃而谈,讲解清晰明了。
English Grammar: Sentence Structure
English Grammar: Parts of Speech
English Grammar: Sentence Complements
English Grammar: Verbs
English Grammar: Pronouns
English Grammar: Agreement
English Grammar: Modifiers
English Grammar: Parallel Structure
English Grammar: Punctuation
English Grammar: Spelling & Capitalization
1. 长篇大论、求大求全的语法巨著,是用来查阅的,不是用来进行教学的;
2. 语法教学,应该是一个多轮循环的过程,从最简单的句子结构开始讲起(第一轮),逐步深入到主语、谓语(第二轮)、各种词类和对应的句子成分(第三轮),然后是限定词、名词词组、谓语动词、非谓语动词(第四轮),接下来是其他词类的词法要点(形容词、副词的比较级、最高级等),这是第五轮;接着是连词与从句,又分为名词性从句、副词性从句和形容词性从句三大类。至此,六轮,讲完全部基础英语语法。
3. 既然如此,语法的前三轮、前四轮学习,就应该是简洁明快、删繁就简的。事实上,从一开始就长篇大论、力求讲得越详细、越深入越好,那是低效的。学生对于语法的认知,是一个漫长的渐进过程,求快是不行的,只有循序渐进。

Video Aided Instruction’s English Grammar Series makes the tricky rules of English grammar easier to learn than ever before — whether you’re new to English or you’ve been speaking it for years!

The 10 programs in this series are each divided into 3 to 5 short lessons, making them perfect for classroom use or self-study. They’re also ideal for reviewing forgotten grammar or preparing for many verbal standardized tests such as the SAT, TOEFL, GED, and GRE. Plus, they can really help you improve your grades in school or your performance on the job!

Using easy-to-follow examples and practice exercises from everyday life, this series can help you master even the most complicated English grammar topics!


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