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By 拔丝英语网



《防疫手册》(Playbooks)分两本,一本面向运动员和随队官员(athletes and team officials),另一本面向所有其他利益相关方(all other stakeholders),为其提供了全面的防疫指导,有助于涉奥人员为前往和抵达中国、参加冬奥会和冬残奥会以及离开北京做好准备(help participants prepare for traveling to and arriving in China, fulfilling their roles at the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, and their departure from Beijing)







闭环管理  Closed-loop management

这是一种特殊的管理方法,通过减少不必要的接触,在保证涉奥人员和中国公众安全(keep Games participants and people in China safe by reducing unnecessary interactions)的同时,又能确保其完成必要的日常工作(allow everyone to perform their day-to-day activities that are essential to their roles during the Games)

如已按照《防疫手册》完成疫苗全程接种,入境中国后,不需要进行21天的集中隔离,可直接进入闭环系统(allows Games participants to enter China without undergoing a compulsory 21-day quarantine, provided they are fully vaccinated)

疫苗接种  Vaccination

实践证明,疫苗可以降低新冠肺炎感染和传播的风险,是安全开展活动的关键手段。所有人员来华至少14日前需完成新冠疫苗全程接种,才可免除集中隔离,进入闭环管理(it will be mandatory to be fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to departure for China, in order to be allowed in the closed-loop system without quarantine)

所有根据《防疫手册》未完成全程接种的人员需在抵达北京后接受21天的集中隔离(anyone not fully vaccinated will need to quarantine for 21 days upon arrival in Beijing)。运动员和随队官员因医学原因申请豁免疫苗接种,须个案研究后确定。

检测、追踪与隔离  Test, trace and isolate


Strict protocols will be in place to identify who has the COVID-19 virus as early as possible through testing; to understand to whom the virus might have been passed through contact tracing; and to use isolation and quarantine to stop the virus from spreading further.

减少接触  Minimize physical interaction


COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through small liquid particles in our breath exhaled by coughing, sneezing, talking, shouting or singing. That’s why it’s important to be vaccinated, minimize physical interaction, wear a mask, and avoid spaces that are enclosed, crowded or involve close contact.


卫生意识  Hygiene


The basics of good hygiene are important to keeping everyone safe – regularly and thoroughly cleaning our hands, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding touching our face, and wearing a face mask at all times.

新冠疫情防控联络官  COVID-19 liaison officers


Every organization taking part in the Games will soon be asked to nominate COVID-19 liaison officer(s). The CLO will support Games participants in making sure that they understand the contents of the Playbooks and the importance of complying with them.


第二版《防疫手册》(the second editions of the Playbooks)计划于今年年底发布。北京冬奥会将于2022年2月4日至20日举行,北京冬残奥会将于2022年3月4日至13日举行。

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