值此万圣节之际,国社小姐姐一曲3分多钟的《后妈茶话会》翻唱 + COS 火遍全网。(国社:国家通讯社,新华社原名)
Kept attending the fancy parties,
On the confirmed cases list,
This is what we had to do.
Build hospitals in ten days,
Solved problem number one,
now to problem number two.
All the sites of infections,
we insist on looking through.
Would you take some measures too?
We don’t have to do nothing (anything?) (we don’t have to do nothing 和 we don’t have to do anything 是一个意思。但是we don’t have to do nothing 多了一丝不正式的口吻)
and just wait till this May.
Mask re-used it. Disinfectant.
Cases more than one million,
Stay at home get your work done,
follow the rules till virus gone.
I say your Party Members run?
I bet you’ve gone out of your mind!
Throughout China’s 5000-year history,
whenever crisis strikes, we’re united as one.
Doctors, goods, anything you need.
Fight together till we succeed.
Testing, tracing, warning too.
A: It’s nothing but a flu! C: It’s in no way just a flu!
You break their spirit so they obey.
I’ll never do anything you say.
Maybe you called it rules but,
I just want freedom. It’s my way!
I ask you, isn’t it a deprivation of freedom to obey the rules?
Oh no, only emptily call for freedom everyday.
As citizens, we live up to country’s aim.
Far and wide I rule the earth,
with the beautiful slogan.
But there is more in mind,
Label China the origin like the Spanish one.
Vaccine testing, origins tracing,
Fine, lab leak theory coming!
Why wasted your time while so many people died!
Talking about human rights,
don’t care about people’s lives!
Life? Would I sit by and wait for the world see how I failed?
No! Gotta find a scapegoat!
and you know what they say:
Don’t be fooled by their groundless file.
The only aim’s to put you on trail.
Our idea of a happy home,
life far more valuable than gold.
As long as people’s life are saved,
we’ll build a better day.
we’re always happy to bear a hand.
You could say it’s unjust.
Turning countries to dust.
This is freedom of AMERICA!
这样优秀的翻唱作品我们决不能自己偷偷欣赏,官方同步在YouTube上发布了,然而,被限流……(好一个Freedom America)
via 新英语逃脱计划