pirate动词,表示非法复制及出售录像带、录音带、书籍、计算机程序等。A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games.学校的一名技术人员做盗版,从H色录像到计算机游戏什么都有。它的形容词可以说是pirated,但是pirate这个词也可以单独表示盗版的,剽窃的。看个句子:Pirate copies of the video are already said to be in Britain.该录像带的盗版版本据说已在英国出现。名词形式就是piracy,表示盗版行为,侵犯版权,在标题就出现过了。
[素材积累] 剧本杀带来的负面影响 / 剧本杀经营面临的困境:前面说到剧本的重要性(A successful, dramatic scripted homicide offers laughs, tension and maybe even tears),于是为得一个好剧本,剧本杀圈也开始内卷,盗版在网上泛滥:One major obstacle confronting club owners is that scripts are constantly copied, pirated and sold for cents on the internet.