Reading is the foundation of writing;
Writing is for reading;
故事续写(story continuation),
Story continuation
Story continuation.
Story continuation的第一类:
一、Story continuation是如何培养读写综合能力的:
(2) 捕捉原文的语言使用特点,分析其使用意图和效果,在续写时进行仿写。
二、如何完成一段精彩的Story continuation—–读中故事续写
(1)Step 1—Read to learn: 通读全文,圈画出文中的时间状语/逻辑连接词,找到故事文本的起因,经过(铺垫+高潮+转折),结果。
①故事的起因:Yesterday, Esther dreamed that one evening, she was so hungry that her eyes went black because she had written a whole day’s homework without eating. Consequently, she put down her homework and picked up her mobile phone and ordered herself a take-out of beef noodles.
②故事的经过(铺垫部分):However, Esther waited for nearly an hour for the beef noodles that could have been delivered in half an hour, but still did not wait for the delivery man to appear. Therefore, she called and urged the deliveryman.
③故事的经过(高潮部分):Twenty minutes later, the delivery man rang the doorbell at Esther’s door. Esther ( __________________), and reaches out to take delivery. Nevertheless, the deliveryman took her delivery and stared at her, but refused to let go. Esther raised her eyes slightly and looked at the deliveryman. She found that the eyes of the delivery man were still staring at her, and there was a strange smile on his mouth. Esther was in a panic, and (_________). She wanted to( ______ )the takeout back from the delivery man and immediately closed the door.
④故事的经过(转折部分):At this moment, the takeout clerk quickly opened the bag of beef noodles,tear apart the disposable chopsticks package matched with beef noodles, and(______________________).
⑤故事的结果:Esther was stunned with anger, and at the moment when her breathing seemed to stagnate, she woke up in a dream.
根据”Who+When+Where+Do what+How”,
①故事的起因:Yesterday, Esther dreamed that she was so hungry that ordered a take-out of noodles.
②故事的经过(铺垫部分): Take-out was overtime, so Esther called to urge the deliveryman
③故事的经过(高潮部分): Twenty minutes later,the deliveryman arrived at Esther’s door, but refused to give it to Esther, which made Esther very afraid. Esther wanted to do something(由于这是还没有续写的内容,因此暂时用something代替) and closed the door quickly.
④故事的经过(转折部分): At this moment, the deliveryman opened the noodles belonging to Esther without authorization, and did something to the noodles((由于这是还没有续写的内容,因此暂时用something代替).
⑤故事的结果:Esther was anger, and then woke up in a dream.
(2)Step 2–-Read to learn: 捕捉原文语言使用特色,分析其使用效果。
(3)Step 3—Read for writing: 推理续写部分的剧情
(4)Step4—Reading & learning are for writing:模仿原文语言使用特点,顺应原文逻辑,完成续写。
③介词短语修饰人物动作/心理状态: without doing/ in a panic
⑨Exaggerated rhetoric:使用了夸张的修辞手法
(5)Step5—Written for reading:续写结束,对自己的续写作品进行阅读,圈画出自己作品中与原文相对应的语言特色和语言使用结构。
via 萤七学堂