2019 年底新冠疫情爆发后,华裔乃至亚裔身份在欧美国家甚至遭遇了更大的成见和诋毁。
Is the fox-eye makeup trend racially insensitive?
Is the fox-eye makeup trend racially insensitive?
Many critics of the latest makeup trend have condemned the accompanying pose of pulling one’s eyes back in order to create a more elongated look.
accompanying /ə’kʌmpəniiŋ/ 表示伴随的,陪伴的;和…一起发生的。
形容词 elongated /’i:lɔŋɡeitid/ 表示细长的;拉得又细又长的,longer and thinner than usual。它来源于动词 elongate,表示(使)延长;(使)变得细长。
After all, it’s a common gesture made to bully Asians for their eye shape.
bully 就是欺辱,霸凌,伤害。
As an Asian-American makeup artist who is Chinese, Japanese and white, Marc Reagan, admits he initially perceived the isolated makeup technique to be “an exaggerated variation of the wing-tip liner,” but seeing the popularized trend with its pose “stepped over the line into cultural appropriation.”
perceive 在这里表示认为,看待,视为,相当于 consider。
isolate 原义表示孤立,这里使用的是它的形容词 isolated,表示个别的;例外的,比如,警方称这次袭击只是个别事件:The police said the attack was an isolated incident.
wing-tip liner 就表示那种画在眼角的眼线,能够对眼睛起到一种延长效果,也可以叫 winged eyeliner。liner 就是 eyeliner 的缩写。
appropriation /əˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃən/ 表示擅自调用,挪用。
variation /veərɪ’eɪʃ(ə)n/ 表示同一事物略微的变化形式。A variation on something is the same thing presented in a slightly different form.
这句话里提出了一个重要概念:cultural appropriation,文化挪用。文化挪用是指某个群体的人擅自采用、模仿另一个群体文化特征的行为。这种行为通常发生在强势或主流文化群体对相对弱势文化群体的挪用上。
“There is a huge difference between using makeup to create a shape or enhance a feature and a person tugging on their eyes to mimic a natural physical feature attributed to a particular race,” he says.
tug 表示提,拉。
mimic 就表示模仿,而且通常是带有嘲弄意味的模仿。注意它的过去式和过去分词形式是不规则的:mimicked。
feature 在这里表示五官,面容,比如说,她的五官轮廓分明:Her features were strongly defined.
attribute 表示认为……具有……的特性,to believe or say that someone or something has a particular quality。比如,He attributed the firm’s success to the efforts of the managing director. 他把公司的成就归功于总经理的努力。
“Once that gesture uses a stereotype and is mimicked by those who are not from the same ethnic origin, that results in an insensitive form of appropriation.”
stereotype 就表示(尤指错误的)刻板印象,老套俗见,成见,a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong
Chang adds that while users of the trend may not have racist intentions, it “does not change the fact that Asian-Americans in this country have been subjects of this type of racial mocking.”
Chang 补充说,尽管这种眼妆的使用者可能没有种族主义意图,但“这并不能改变在美国的亚裔美国人成为这种种族嘲弄对象的事实”。
subject 在这里表示对象,话题。
Is the fox-eye makeup trend racially insensitive?
Many critics of the latest makeup trend have condemned the accompanying pose of pulling one’s eyes back in order to create a more elongated look. After all, it’s a common gesture made to bully Asians for their eye shape. As an Asian-American makeup artist who is Chinese, Japanese and white, Marc Reagan, admits he initially perceived the isolated makeup technique to be “an exaggerated variation of the wing-tip liner,” but seeing the popularized trend with its pose “stepped over the line into cultural appropriation.”
“There is a huge difference between using makeup to create a shape or enhance a feature and a person tugging on their eyes to mimic a natural physical feature attributed to a particular race,” he says. “Once that gesture uses a stereotype and is mimicked by those who are not from the same ethnic origin, that results in an insensitive form of appropriation.” Chang adds that while users of the trend may not have racist intentions, it “does not change the fact that Asian-Americans in this country have been subjects of this type of racial mocking.”
他说:“使用化妆品来塑形或增强面部特征,与使用化妆品来模仿某个特定种族的自然生理特征,两者之间有着天壤之别。”“一旦这种姿势采用了一种刻板印象,并被非同种族的人模仿,就会导致麻木不仁的文化挪用。” Chang 补充说,尽管这种眼妆的使用者可能没有种族主义意图,但“这并不能改变在美国的亚裔美国人成为这种种族嘲弄对象的事实”。
注:本期内容节选自虎课外刊精读:风靡欧美的高级狐狸眼妆如何让亚裔深感不安 – 但汉松
文化挪用(Cultural appropriation)
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