Module 1
province /’prɒvins/ n.
enthusiastic /in,θju:zi’æstik/ adj.
amazing /ə’meiziŋ/ adj.
information /,infə’meiʃən/ n.
website /web’sait/ n.
brilliant /’briljənt/ adj.
comprehension /,kɒmpri’henʃən/ n.
instruction /in’strʌkʃən/ n.
method /’meθəd/ n.
bored /’bɒ:d/ adj.
embarrassed /im’bærəst/ adj.
attitude /’ætitju:d/ n.
behaviour /bi’heivjə/ n.
previous /’pri:viəs/ adj.
description /di’skripʃən/ n.
amazed /ə’meizd/ adj.
embarrassing /im’bærəsiŋ/ adj.
technology /tek’nɒlədʒi/ n.
impress /im’pres/ vt.
correction /kə’rekʃən/ n.
encouragement /in’kʌridʒmənt/ n.
enjoyment /in’dʒɒimənt/ n.
fluency /’flu:ənsi/ n.
misunderstanding /,misʌndə’stændiŋ/ n.
disappointed /,disə’pɒintid/ adj.
disappointing /,disə’pɒintiŋ/ adj
system /’sistəm/ n.
teenager /’ti:nidʒə/ n.
disappear /,disə’piə/ vi.
move /mu:v/ vi.
assistant /ə’sistənt/ n.
cover /’kʌvə/ vt.
diploma /di’pləumə/ n.
amusing /ə’mju:ziŋ/ adj.
in other words
look forward to
at the start of
at the end of
go to college
be divided into
take part in
Module 2
energetic /,enə’dʒetik/ adj.
intelligent /in’telidʒənt/ adj.
nervous /’nə:vəs/ adj.
organized /’ɒ:gənaizd/ adj.
patient /’peiʃənt/ adj.
serious /’siəriəs/ adj.
shy /ʃai/ adj.
strict /strikt/ adj.
impression /im’preʃən/ n.
avoid /ə’vɒid/ vt.
hate /heit/ vt.
incorrectly /,inkə’rektli/ adv.
completely /kəm’pli:tli/ adv.
immediately /i’mi:diətli/ adv.
appreciate /ə’pri:ʃieit/ vt.
admit /əd’mit/ vt.
scientific /,saiən’tifik/ adj.
literature /’litərətʃə/ n.
loudly /’laudli/ adv.
wave /weiv/ vt.
joke /dʒəuk/ n.
summary /’sʌməri/ n.
respect /ri’spekt/ vt. & n.
grade /greid/ n.
headmaster /’hed’mɑ:stə/ n.
headmistress /’hed’mistris/ n.
period /’piəriəd/ n.
revision /ri’viʒən/ n.
translation /træns’leiʃən/ n.
timetable /’taimteibl/ n.
topic /’tɒpik/ n.
vacation /vei’keiʃən/ n.
revise /ri’vaiz/ vt.
discipline /’disiplin/ n.
relationship /ri’leiʃənʃip/ n.
formal /’fɒ:məl/ adj.
relaxed /ri’lækst/ adj.
similarly /’similəli/ adv.
helicopter /’helikɒptə/ n.
make sure
so that
make progress
as a result
in fact
fall asleep
Module 3
motorbike /’məutəbaɪk/ n.
tram /træm/ n.
distance /’distəns/ n.
abandoned /ə’bændənd/ adj.
camel /’kæml/ n.
cassette /kæ’set/ n.
desert /’dezət/ n.
diamond /’daiəmənd/ n.
expert /’ekspə:t/ n.
midnight /’midnait/ n.
product /’prɒdʌkt/ n.
scenery /’si:nəri/ n.
shoot /ʃu:t/ vt. (shot, shot)
soil /sɒil/ n.
journey /’dʒə:ni/ n.
train /trein/ vt.
circus /’sə:kəs/ n.
seaside /’si:said/ n.
stadium /’steidiəm/ n.
eagle /’i:gl/ n.
frighten /’fraitn/ vt.
kindergarten /’kində,gɑ:tn/ n.
apartment /ə’pɑ:tmənt/ n.
cartoon /kɑ:’tu:n/ n.
interview /’intəvju:/ n.
interviewer /’intəvju:ə/ n.
event /i’vent/ n.
exhausted /ig’zɒ:stid/ adj.
downtown /’daun’taun/ adj.
vacuum /`’vækjuəm/ n.
rail /reil/ n.
ceremony /’seriməni/ n.
track /træk/ n.
souvenir /,su:və’niə/ n.
survey /sə’vei/ n.
get on
get off
get into
get out of
take off
be short for
not …any more
out of date
refer to
Module 4
neighbourhood n.
local /’ləukəl/ adj.
suburb /’sʌbə:b/ n.
hometown /həum’taun/ n.
attractive /ə’træktiv/ adj.
fortunate /’fɒ:tʃənit/ adj.
pretty /’priti/ adv.
sound /saund/ vi.
tourist /’tuərist/ n.
bother /’bɒðə/ vt.
nuisance /’nju:sns/ n.
rent /rent/ n.
district /’distrikt/ n.
approach /ə’prəutʃ/ vt.
harbour /’hɑ:bə/ n.
gorgeous /’gɒ:dʒəs/ adj.
architecture /’ɑ:kitektʃə/ n.
starve /stɑ:v/ vi.
park /pɑ:k/ vt.
traffic /’træfik/ n.
committee /kə’miti/ n.
organization /’ɒ:gənai’zʃən/ n.
unemployed /,ʌnim’plɒid/ adj.
household /’haushəuld/ n.
occupation /,ɒkju’peiʃən/ n.
professional /prə’feʃənl/ adj.
manual /’mænjuəl/ adj.
employment /im’plɒimənt/ n.
gallery /’gæləri/ n.
exchange /iks’tʃeindʒ/ vt.
fascinating /’fæsineitiŋ/ adj.
afford /ə’fɒ:d/ vt.
survive /sə’vaiv/ vi.
contact /’kɒntækt/ vt.
liquid /’likwid/ n.
put up
so far
up to now
till now
get away from
a great many
a number of
go up
Module 5
expand /ik’spænd/ vi.
contract /’kɒntrækt/ vi.
substance /’sʌbstəns/ n.
mixture /’mikstʃə/ n.
oxygen /’ɒksədʒən/ n.
electricity /,ilek’trisiti/ n.
stage /steidʒ/ n.
conclusion /kən’klu:ʒən/ n.
aim /eim/ n.
reaction /ri’ækʃən/ n.
electrical /i’lektrikəl/ adj.
equipment /i’kwipmənt/ n.
react /ri’ækt/ vi.
partial /’pɑ:ʃəl/ ad
copper /’kɒpə/ n.
rust /rʌst/ vi.
boil /bɒil/ vt.
ordinary /’ɒ:dinəri/ ad
steam /sti:m/ n.
float /fləut/ vi.
form /fɒ:m/ vi.
dissolve /di’zɒlv/ vi.
balance /’bæləns/ n.
flame /fleim/ n.
facility /fə’siliti/ n.
lecture /’lektʃə/ n.
department /di’pɑ:tmənt/ n.
astonished /ə’stɒniʃt/ adj
contain /kən’tein/ vt.
add … to …
used to
in the area of
be proud of
be supposed to
Module 6
access /’ækses/ n.
crash /kræʃ/ vi.
keyword /’ki:,wə:d/ n.
log /lɒg/ vt.
software /’sɒftwєə/ n.
breakdown /’breikdaun/ n.
source /sɒ:s/ n.
accessible /ək’sesəbl/ adj
data /’deitə/ adj
defence /di’fens/ n.
create /kri:’eit/ vt.
network /’netwə:k/ n.
via /vaiə/ pre
percentage /pə’sentidʒ/ n.
design /di’zain/ vt.
document /’dɒkjumənt/ n.
invention /in’venʃən/ n.
permission /pə’miʃən/ n.
military /’militəri/ adj
concentrate /’kɒnsəntreit/ vi.
definite /’definit/ adj
fantastic /fæn’tæstik/ adj
independent /,indi’pendənt/ adj
essay /’esei/ n.
pass /pæs/ vt.
frequently /’fri:kwəntli/ ad
disadvantage /,disəd’vɑ:ntidʒ/ n.
average /’ævəridʒ/ adj
statistics /stə’tistiks/ n.
shorten /’ʃɒ:tn/ vt.
sideways /’saidweiz/ adv.
consists of
as well
become known as
go down
come up with
from that moment on
concentrate on
Module 1
diet /’daiət/ n./vi.
fat /fæt/ n.
fit /fit/ adj.
flu /flu:/ n. (=influenza)
rare /rεə/ adj.
toothache /’tu:θeik/ n.
unhealthy /ʌn’helθi/ adj.
wealthy /’welθi/ adj.
rarely /’rɛəli/ adv.
proverb /’prɔvə:b/ n.
anxious /’ænkʃəs/ adj.
captain /’kæptin/ n.
injure /’indʒə/ vt.
injury /’indʒəri/ n.
pain /pein/ n.
painful /’peinfl/ adj.
normal /’nɔ:ml/ adj.
lifestyle /’laifstail/ n.
head /hed/ vi.
eye /ai/ vt.
overweight /,əuvə’weit/ adj.
lung /lʌŋ/ n.
throat /θrəut/ n.
breathe /bri:ð/ vi.
prescription /pri’skripʃən/ n.
symptom /’simptəm/ n.
X-ray /’eks,rei/ n.
awful /’ɔ:fl/ adj
insurance /in’ʃuərəns/ n.
questionnaire /,kwestʃə’nεə/ n.
be connected with
take exercise
be crazy about
have a temperature
lie down
begin with
put … into
become ill
Module 2
drug /drʌɡ/ n.
cancer /’kænsə/ n.
cigarette /,siɡə’ret/ n.
tobacco /tə’bækəu/ n.
addictive /ə’diktiv/ adj
cannabis /’kænəbis/ n.
cocaine /kəu’kein/ n.
danger /’deindʒə/ n.
addict /æ’dikt/ n.
inject /in’dʒekt/ vt.
needle /’ni:dl/ n.
powerful /’pauəfl/ adj
reduce /ri’dju:s/ vt.
nearby /,niə’bai/ adj
burglary /’bə:gləri/ n.
crime /kraim/ n.
criminal /’kriminl/ n.
connection /kə’nekʃn/ n.
illegal /I’li:gl/ adj
ratio /’reiʃiəu/ n.
treatment /’tri:tmənt/ n.
likely /’laikli/ adj
adult /’ædʌlt/ n.
café /’kæfei/ n.
disagree /,disə’gri:/ vi.
ban /bæn/ vt.
horrible /’hɔrəbl/ adj
affect /ə’fekt/ vt.
participant /pa:’tisipənt/ n.
recognize /’rekəg,naiz/ vt.
leaflet /’li:flət/ n.
distraction /di’strækʃn/ n.
jogging /’dʒɔgiŋ/ n.
gymnastic /dʒim’næstik/ adj
related to
break into
belong to
become addicted to
take one’s advice
in order to
so as to
give up
Module 3
audience /’ɔ:diənt/ n.
choir /kwaiə/ n.
classical /’klæsikl/ n.
composer /kəm’pəuzə/ n.
conductor /kən’dʌktə/ n.
jazz /dʒæz/ n.
musician /mju’ziʃn/ n.
orchestra /’ɔ:kistrə/ n.
saxophone /’sæksə,fəun/ n.
court /kɔ:t/ n.
director /də’rektə/ n.
genius /’dʒi:niəs/ n.
lose /lu:z/ vt. (lost, lost)
musical /’mju:zikl/ ad
peasant /’peznt/ n.
symphony /’simfəni/ n.
talent /’tælənt/ n.
Austria /’ɔstriə/ n.
Austrian /’ɔstriən/ ad
prince /prins/ n.
compose /kəm’pəuz/ vt.
tour /tuə/ vt.
album /’ælbəm/ n.
ballad /’bæləd/ n.
band /bænd/ n.
catchy /’kætʃi/ adj.
complex /’kɔmpleks/ adj.
influence /’influəns/ vt.
lyrice /’liriks/ n.
solo /’səuləu/ adj.
tune /tju:n/ n.
record /ri’kɔ:d/ vt.
lecturer /’lektʃərə/ n.
mix /miks/ vt.
be impressed with
split up
make a note of
Module 4
like /laik/ n.
dislike /dis’laik/ n.
artist /’a:tist/ n.
colourful /’kʌləfl/ adj.
contemporary /kən’tempərəri/ adj.
delightful /di’laitfl/ adj.
drawing /’drɔ:iŋ/ n.
paint /peint/ vt.
painter /’peintə/ n.
painting /’peintiŋ/ n.
scene /si:n/ n.
traditional /trə’diʃnəl/ adj.
alive /ə’laiv/ adj.
aspect /’æspekt/ n.
imitate /’imi,teit/ vt
observe /əb’zə:v/ vt
reality /ri’æləti/ n.
style /stail/ n.
adopt /ə’dɔpt/ vt
aim /eim/ vi
stand /stænd/ vt (stood, stood)
unusual /ʌn’ju:ʒuəl/ ad
exhibition /,eksi’biʃn/ n.
expression /ik’spreʃn/ n.
landscape /’lænd,skeip/ n.
portrait /’pɔ:trit/ n.
realise /’riə,laiz/ vt
realistic /,riə’listik/ ad
watercolour /’wɔ:tə,kʌlə/ n.
destroy /di’strɔI/ vt
be / get tired of
be fond of
tell by
put off
take turns
a series of
Module 5
headlind /’hed,lain/ n.
photograph /’fəutə,gra:f/ n.
celebrity /sə’lebrəti/ n.
economy /i’kɔnəmi/ n.
politics /’pɔlətiks/ n.
photographer /fə’tɔgrəfə/ n.
cosmonaut /’kɔzmə,nɔ:t/ n.
navigator /’nævi,geitə/ n.
taikonaut /’taikə,nɔ:t/ n.
universe /’ju:ni,və:s/ n.
sailor /’seilə/ n.
orbit /’ɔ:bit/ n./vt.
capsule /’kæpsju:l/ n.
flight /flait/ n.
congratulation /kən,grætʃu’leiʃn/ n.
aboard /ə’bɔ:d/ adv
welcome /’welkəm/ vt.
historical /hi’stɔrikl/ adj
achievement /ə’tʃi:vmənt/ n.
replace /ri’pleis/ vt.
alien /’eiliən/ n.
amateur /’æmətə/ adj
astronomer /ə’strɔnəmə/ n.
autograph /’ɔ:tə,gra:f/ n.
delighted /di’laitid/ adj
fan /fæn/ n.
spaceship /’speis,ʃip/ n.
telescope /’teli,skəup/ n.
actor /’æktə/ n.
backstage /,bæk’steidʒ/ ad
part /pa:t/ n.
politician /,pɔlə’tiʃn/ n.
belief /bi’li:f/ n.
disbelief /,disbi’li:f/ n.
evidence /’evidəns/ n.
cultural /’kʌltʃərəl/ ad
financial /fai’nænʃl/ ad
review /ri’vju:/ n.
royal /’rɔiəl/ ad
found /faund/ vt.
produce /prə’dju:s/ vt.
in total
now that
believe in
be similar to
Module 6
poster /’pəustə/ n.
thriller /’θrilə/ n.
comedy /’kɔmədi/ n.
sword /sɔ:d/ n.
actress /’æktris/ n.
character /’kæriktə/ n.
female /’fi:meil/ ad
male /meil/ ad
masterpiece /’ma:stə,pi:s/ n.
fiance /fi’ɔnsei/ n.
rooftop /’ru:f,tɔp/ n.
leap /li:p/ vi.
graceful /’greisfl/ adj.
interest /’intrəst/ vt.
brave /breiv/ adj.
moving /’mu:viŋ/ adj.
occasionally /ə’keiʒnəli/ adv.
ad /æd/ n.
argue /’a:gju:/ vi.
channel /’tʃænl/ n.
entertaining /entə’teiniŋ/ adj.
drama /’dra:mə/ n.
plot /plɔt/ n.
setting /’setiŋ/ n.
shark /ʃa:k/ n.
section /’sekʃn/ n.
come out
fall in love with
be in love with
play a part
to one’s surprise
in surprise
care about
every now and then
at the age of
across [əˈkrɔs] prep.
boot [buːt] n.
continental [ˌkɑntɪˈnentl] adj.
face [feɪs] vt.
range [reɪndʒ] n.
landmark [ˈlændˌmɑrk] n.
gallery [ˈɡæləri] n.
situated [ˈsɪtʃuˌeɪtɪd] adj.
symbol [ˈsɪmbl] n.
located [ləʊˈkeɪtɪd] adj.
architect [ˈɑrkɪˌtekt] n.
project [ˈprɒdʒekt] n.
sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə] n.
birthplace [ˈbɜrθˌpleɪs] n.
civilisation n.
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj.
opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] prep.
sign [saɪn] vt.
agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] n.
whereabouts [ˈweərəˌbaʊts] adv.
govern [ˈɡʌvərn] vt.
head [hed] n.
representative [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv] n.
parliament [ˈpɑrləmənt] n.
region [ˈridʒən] adj.
geographical [ˌdʒiːəˈɡræfɪk(ə)l] adj.
feature [ˈfitʃər] n.
produce [prəˈdjuːs] n.
Module 2
hunger [ˈhʌŋɡər] n
income [ˈɪnkʌm] n.
poverty [ˈpɑvərti] n.
human [ˈhjuːmən] n.
development [dɪˈveləpmənt] n.
index [ˈɪndeks] n.
measure [ˈmeʒər] vt.
goal [ɡəʊl] n.
expectancy [ɪkˈspektənsi] n.
position [pəˈzɪʃn] n.
educate [ˈedjʊkeɪt] vt.
figure [ˈfɪɡjər] n.
household [ˈhaʊsˌhəʊld] n.
homeless [ˈhəʊmləs] adj.
charity [ˈtʃærəti] n.
crowded [ˈkraʊdɪd] adj.
freeway [ˈfriˌweɪ] n.
inhabitant [ɪnˈhæbɪtənt] n.
similarity [ˌsɪmɪˈlerəti] n.
unfortunate [ʌnˈfɔrtʃənət] adj.
location [loʊˈkeɪʃn] n.
tourism [ˈtʊˌrɪzəm] n.
transport [trænsˈpɔrt] n
industrial [ɪnˈdʌstriəl] adj.
polluted [pəˈlut] adj.
smart [smɑrt] adj.
vast [vɑːst] adj.
entertainment [ˌentərˈteɪnmənt] n.
exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] n.
Module 3
disaster [dɪˈzæstər] n.
flood [flʌd] n.
hurricane [ˈhʌrɪˌkeɪn] n.
lightning [ˈlaɪtniŋ] n.
thunderstorm [ˈθʌndərˌstɔrm] n.
tornado [tɔrˈneɪdoʊ] n.
column [ˈkɒləm] n.
experience [ɪkˈspɪəriəns] vt.
cause [kɔːz] vt.
current [ˈkʌrənt] n.
latitude [ˈlætɪˌtjuːd] n.
furniture [ˈfɜrnɪtʃər] n.
bury [ˈberi] vt.
feather [ˈfeðər] n.
fur [fɜː(r)] n.
occur [əˈkɜr] vt.
tropical [ˈtrɑpɪk(ə)l] adj.
equator [ɪˈkweitə] n.
rotating [rəʊˈteɪt] adj.
violent [ˈvaɪələnt] adj.
wave [weɪv] n.
strike [straɪk] vt.& n.
cemetery [ˈseməˌteri] n.
coffin [ˈkɑfɪn] n.
ruin [ˈruɪn] vt.
ash [æʃ] n.
erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] vt.
lava [ˈlɑːvə] n.
tidal [ˈtaɪd(ə)l] adj.
volcano [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ] n.
previous [ˈpriːviəs] adj.
eruption [ɪˈrʌpʃn] n.
possibility [ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti] n.
earthquake [ˈɜrθˌkweɪk] n.
terrifying [ˈterəˌfaɪɪŋ] adj.
luckily [ˈlʌkɪli] adv.
thankfully [ˈθæŋkf(ə)li] adv.
hopefully [ˈhoʊpfəli] adv.
sadly [ˈsædli] adv.
fortunately [ˈfɔrtʃənətli] adv.
warning [ˈwɔrnɪŋ] n.
worldwide [ˈwɜrldˌwaɪd] adj.
active [ˈæktɪv] adj
damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] n.&v.
Module 4
sandstorm [ˈsændˌstɔːm] n.
frightening [ˈfraɪt(ə)nɪŋ] adj.
inland [ˈɪnlənd] adj.
mass [mæs] adj.
campaign [kæmˈpeɪn] n.
dune [djuːn] n.
desertification [dɪˌzɜrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n.
process [ˈprəʊses] n.
citizen [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n] n.
dust [dʌst] n.
forecast [ˈfɔrˌkæst] vt.
strength [streŋθ] n.
cycle [ˈsaɪkl] vi
mask [mɑːsk] n.
atmosphere [ˈætməˌsfɪr] n.
carbon [ˈkɑrbən] n.
dioxide n.
chemical [ˈkemɪkl] n.
environment [ɪnˈvaɪərnmənt] n.
garbage [ˈɡɑrbɪdʒ] n.
melt [melt] vi.
pollution [pəˈluːʃ(ə)n] n.
recycle [riˈsaɪk(ə)l] v.
coastal [ˈkəʊst(ə)l] adj.
concerned [kənˈsɜrnd] adj.
evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n.
major [ˈmeɪdʒər] adj.
urgent [ˈɜrdʒənt] adj.
pollute [pəˈlut] vt.
complain [kəmˈpleɪn] vi.
nutshell [ˈnʌtˌʃel] n.
scary [ˈskeri] adj.
absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtly] adv.
protection [prəˈtekʃən] n.
Module 5
equal [ˈikwəl] adj.
importance [ɪmˈpɔrt(ə)ns] n.
philosopher [fɪˈlɑsəfər] n.
teaching [ˈtitʃɪŋ n.
thinker [ˈθɪŋkər] n.
kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] n.
order [ˈɔrdər] n.
principle [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] n.
position [pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n.
stress [stres] vt.
resign [rɪˈzaɪn] vti.
adviser [ədˈvaɪzər] n.
influential [ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl] adj.
love [lʌv] n.
honesty [ˈɒnɪsti] n.
justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs] n.
bark [bɑrk] n
contribution [ˌkɑntrɪˈbjuʃ(ə)n] n.
invent [ɪnˈvent] vt.
leather [ˈleðər] n.
monk [mʌŋk] n.
soft [sɔft] adj
category [ˈkætəɡəri] n.
inventor [ɪnˈventər] n.
argument [ˈɑrɡjəmənt] n.
freedom [ˈfridəm] n.
fuel [ˈfjuːəl] n.
condition [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n] n.
Module 6
bulletin [ˈbʊlətɪn] n.
canal [kəˈnæl] n.
civil [ˈsɪvɪl] adj.
cliff [klɪf] n.
damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] n.
engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ] n.
gorge [ɡɔrdʒ] n.
reservoir [ˈrezərˌvwɑ] n.
structure [ˈstrʌktʃər] n.
terminal [ˈtɜrmɪn(ə)l] n.
date [deɪt] vi
accommodate [əˈkɑməˌdeɪt] vt.
carving [ˈkɑrvɪŋ] vt.
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n.
relic [ˈrelɪk] n.
Buddhist n.
generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] vt.
harness [ˈhɑrnəs] vt.
historical [hɪˈstɔrɪk(ə)l] adj.
narrow [ˈneroʊ] adj.
poem [ˈpoʊəm] n.
submerge [səbˈmɜr(r)dʒ] vt.
global [ˈɡloʊb(ə)l] adj.
watchtower [ˈwɑtʃˌtaʊr] n.
remove [rɪˈmuv] vt.
freezing [ˈfrizɪŋ] adj.
ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj.
enormous [ɪˈnɔrməs] adj.
observatory [əbˈzɜrvəˌtɔri] n.
foggy [ˈfɔɡi] adj.
crash [kræʃ] vi
Module 1
brick [brik] n.
concrete ‘kɔnkri:t] n
mud [mʌd] n
alternative [ɔ:l’tə:nətiv] adj
crime [kraim] n
for sure
prediction [pri’dikʃən] n
risky [‘riski] adj
resource [ri’zɔ:siz] n )
run out
material [mə’tiəriəl] n
rely [ri’lai] vi
rely on
solar [‘səulə] adj
urban [‘ə:bən] adj
get rid of
load [ləud] vt
landfill [‘lændfil] n
arrest [ə’rest] vt
criminal [‘kriminəl] n
fire [‘faiə] vt
limit [‘limit] n
outdoors [‘aut’dɔ:z] adv
online [‘ɔnlain] adv
catalogue [‘kætəlɔg] n
command [kə’mɑ:nd] n
recreation [,rekri’eiʃən] n
bowling [‘bəuliŋ] n
softball [‘sɔftbɔ:l] n
charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n
free of charge
power [‘pauə] vt
flick [flik] n
switch [switʃ] n vi.
surgery [‘sə:dʒəri] n
telesurgery /ˌtelɪˈsɜːdʒərɪ/ n
outpatient /ˈaʊtpeɪʃnt/ n.
clinic [‘klinik] n
disability n
attach [ə’tætʃ] vt
spaceport [ˋspeɪspƆ:t] n
use up
look out
optimistic [͵ɔpti’mistik] adj
dishwasher [‘dɪʃwƆʃə(r)] n
definitely [‘definitli] adv
eventually [ɪ’ventjʊəlɪ] adv
for a start
on the way out
colony [‘kɔləni] n
predict [pri’dikt] vt
shape [ʃeip] vt
pad [pæd] n
doormat [‘dɔ:mæt] n
Module 2
trolleybus n
be connected to
wire [‘waiə] n
suburban [sə’bə:bən] adj
be /get stuck in
in no time
display [dɪ’spleɪ] vt
cab [kæb] n
permit [pə(:)’mit] n
receipt [ri’si:t] n
get around
fare [fɛə] n
air-conditioned adj
limit [‘limit] vt
destination [,desti’neiʃən] n
impressive [ˈfɜrnɪtʃər] adj
route [raut] n
double-decker n
provide [prəu’vaid] vt.
under construction
convenient [kən’vi:njənt] adj
pedal [‘pedl] vt&vi
tricycle [,traisikl] n
single [‘siŋgl] n
return [ri’tə:n] n
explore [ik’splɔ:] vt
switch off
keep cool
blow [bləu] vt
horn [hɔ:n] n
react [ri’ækt] vi
solution [sə’lju:ʃən] n
mood [mu:d] n
no way
congestion [kən’dʒestʃən] n
registration [,redʒi’streiʃən] n
Module 3
communication [kə,mju:ni’keiʃən] n
communicate [kə’mju:nikeit] vi
unconscious [,ʌn’kɔnʃəs] adj
vary [‘vεəri] vi
on guard
formal [‘fɔ:məl] adj
aggressive [ə’gresiv] adj
traditionally [trə’diʃənəli] adv
weapon [‘wepən] n
gesture [‘dʒestʃə] n
threatening [‘θretəniŋ] adj
deal [di:l] n
make a deal
involve [in’vɔlv] vt
slightly [‘slaitli] adv
forehead [‘fɔːhed] n
bow [bəu] vi
informal [in’fɔ:məl adj
youth [ju:θ] n
hold up
palm [pɑ:m] n
spread [spred] vi(spread,spread)
slap [slæp] vt
give away
mind reader n
conscious [‘kɔnʃəs] adj
ankle [‘æŋkl] n
eyebrow [‘aibrau] n
lip [lip] n
wrist [rist] n
bend [bend] vt (bent,bent)
hug [hʌg] vt
stare [stεə] vi
wipe [waip] vt
lift up
up and down
religion [ri’lidʒən] n
host [həust] n
by accident
toast [‘təust] n
sip [sip] n
blank [blæŋk] adj
panic [‘pænik] v
rude [ru:d] adj
say hello to
switch [switʃ] n
invitation [,invi’teiʃən] n
request [ri’kwest] n
favour [‘feivə] n
live [lɪv,lʌɪv] adj
performance [pə’fɔ:məns] n
performer [pə’fɔ:mə] n
classical [‘klæsikəl] adj
applause [ə’plɔ:z] n
judgement [‘dʒʌdʒmənt] n
prolong [prə’lɔŋ, ‘lɔ:ŋ] v.
equality [i:’kwɔləti] n
handclap [‘hændklæp] n
social [‘səuʃəl] adj
infectious [in’fekʃəs] adj
funeral [‘fju:nərəl] n
Module 4
biochemistry [,baiəu’kemistri] n
biology [bai’ɔlədʒi] n
botany [‘bɔtəni] n
genetics [dʒi’netiks] n
zoology [zəu’ɔlədʒi, zu:-] n
staple /ˈsteɪpl/ adj
producer [prəu’dju:sə] n
leading [‘li:diŋ] adj
figure [‘figə] n
bring up
educate [‘edju:keitid] vt
nickname [‘nikneim] n
agriculture [‘ægrikʌltʃə] n
breeding [‘bri:diŋ] n
species [‘spi:ʃi:z, -si:z]
yield [ji:ld] n
original [ə’ridʒənəl] adj
publish [‘pʌbliʃ] vt
breakthrough [‘breikθru:] n
support [sə’pɔ:t] vt
as a result of
production [prəu’dʌkʃən] n
convert [kən’və:t] vt
cash crop
export [ik’spɔ:t, ‘eks-, ‘ekspɔ:t] vt
agriculture [‘ægrikʌltʃə] adj
replace [ri’pleis] vt
quantity [‘kwɔntəti] n
quality [‘kwɔləti] n
be known for
best-seller n
cosmology [kɔz’mɔlədʒi] n
diagnose [‘daiəgnəuz, ,daiəg’nəuz] vt
victim [‘viktim] n
brilliant [‘briljənt] adj
career [kə’riə] n
brief [bri:f] adj
partly [‘pɑ:tli] adv
physical [‘fizikəl] adj
graduate [‘grædʒuət, vi
personal [‘pə:sənl] adj
relativity [,relə’tivəti] n
earn one‘s living
come to power
rocket [‘rɔkit] n
millennium [mi’leniəm] n
gunpowder [‘gʌn,paudə] n
explosion [ik’spləuʒən] n
explode [ik’spləud] vi
escape [i’skeip] vi
arrow [‘ærəu] n
straight [streit] adj
clear [kliə] vi
Module 5
cave [keiv] n
peak [pi:k] n
plain [plein] n
plateau [‘plætəu, n
shore [ʃɔ:] n
slope [sləup] n
valley [‘væli] n
wood [wud] n
flat [flæt] adj
at the edge of
surround [sə’raund] vt
colleague [‘kɔli:g] n
downstream [‘daun’stri:m] adv
goods [gudz] n
trade [treid] n
temple [‘templ] n
dock [dɔk] n vi
hilly [‘hili] adj
raft [rɑ:ft] n
narrow [‘nærəu] vi
at least
detour [‘di:tʊə(r);] n
legend [‘ledʒənd] n
be heavy with
deck [dek] n
distant [‘distənt] adj
exploit [iks’plɔit] vt
in the distance
cruise [kru:z] n
cabin [‘kæbin] n
forbid [fə’bid] vt(forbade /forbidden)
lounge [laundʒ] n
mountainous [‘mauntinəs] adj
immense /ɪˈmens/ adj
fertile [‘fə:til] adj
remote [ri’məut] adj
steep [sti:p] adj
varied [‘vɛərid] adj
spot n
get a kick out of
view [vju:] n
pin [pin] n
naturally [‘nætʃərəli] adv
torch [tɔ:tʃ] n
Module 6
monster [‘mɔnstə] n
attack [ə’tæk] vt
footprint [‘fʊtprɪnt] n
hairy [‘hɛəri] adj
creature [‘kri:tʃə] n.
claw [klɔ:] n
exist [iɡ’zist] vi
sharp [ʃɑ:p] adj
nail [neil] n
journal [‘dʒə:nl] n
sighting /ˈsaɪtɪŋ/ n
seal [si:l] n
mysterious [mis’tiəriəs] adj
claim [kleim] vt
surface [‘sə:fis] n
horn [hɔ:n] n
dive [daiv] vi
calm [kɑ:m] adj
sceptical [‘skeptikəl] adj
unlikely [ʌn’laikli] adj
volcanic [vɔl’kænik] adj
cover [‘kʌvə] vt
adapt [ə’dæpt] vi
disappear [͵disə’piə] vi
extinct [ik’stiŋkt] adj
evolve [i’vɔlv] vi
die out
throw light on
come straight to the point
fierce [fiəs]
destruction [dis’trʌkʃən] n
generous [‘dʒenərəs] adj
unpredictable [‘ʌnpri’diktəbl] adj
robe [rəub] n
reputation [͵repju(:)’teiʃən] n
border [‘bɔ:də] n
positive [‘pɔzitiv] adj
indicate [‘indikeit] vt
identity [ai’dentiti] n
due to
myth [miθ] n
fortune [‘fɔ:tʃən] n
Module 1
have difficulty (-in) doing sth
combination [,kɔmbi’neiʃən] n.
distinctive [dis’tiŋktiv] adj.
Module 2
intellectual [,intə’lektjuəl, -tʃuəl adj.
profound [prəu’faund] adj.
contract [‘kɔntrækt, kən’trækt] n.
organizational [,ɔ:gənai’zeiʃənəl] adj.
traditional [trə’diʃənəl] adj.
individual [,indi’vidjuəl, -dʒəl] n.
personality [,pə:sə’næləti] n.
Module 3
panick vt. (panicked, panicked)
be / feel in the mood (for sth. / to do sth.)
Module 4
Christian [‘kristjən; -tʃən] adj.
multicultural [,mʌlti’kʌltʃərəl] adj.
magnificent [mæɡ’nifisənt] adj.
celebration [,seli’breiʃən] n.
Module 5
dramatically [drə’mætikəli] adv.
protest [prəu’test, ‘prəu-] vi.
Module 6
Module 1
small talk
informal /in’fɔ:ml/ adj.
serious /’sɪərɪəs/ adj.
confidently /’kɔnfidəntli/ adv.
make friends
lack /læk/ v.
be nervous about
advance /əd’vɑ:ns/ adj.
think of
nod /nɒd/ v.
body language
yawn /jɔ:n/ v.
sigh /saɪ/ v.
look away from
social rules
in addition
find out
opportunity /,ɒpə’tju:nətɪ/ n.
obligation /‚ɒblɪ’geɪʃn/ n.
prize /praɪz/ n.
application /‚æplɪ’keɪʃn/ n.
form /fɔ:rm/ n.
immigration /‚ɪmɪ’greɪʃn/ n.
visa /’vɪ:zə/ n.
impolite /‚ɪmpə’laɪt/ adj.
tidy /’taɪdɪ/ v.
refund /rɪ:’fʌnd/ n.
favour /’feivə/ n.
reception /rɪ’sepʃn/ n.
embassy /’embəsɪ/ n.
certain /’sɜ:tn/ pron.
reply /rɪ’plaɪ/ n.
saleswoman /seɪlz‚wʊmən/ n.
firm /fɜ:m/ n.
fax /fæks/ n.
outspoken /,aut’spəukən/ adj.
human being
motto /’mɒtəʊ/ n.
put one’s foot in one’s mouth
shortcoming /ʃɔ:t,kʌmiŋ/ n.
absence /’æbsəns/ n.
as a consequence
systematic /‚sɪstɪ’mætɪk/ adj.
coincidence /kəʊ’ɪnsɪdəns/ n.
customer /’kʌstəmə/ n.
mature /mə’tjʊə/ adj.
awkward /’ɔ:kwəd/ adj.
tease /tɪ:z/ v.
typist /’taɪpɪst/ n.
contradict /‚kɒntrə’dɪkt/ v.
pregnant /’pregnənt/ adj.
apology /ə’pɒlədʒɪ/ n.
cautious /’kɔ:ʃəs/ adj.
acquaintance /ə’kweintəns/ n.
messy /’mesɪ/ adj.
divorce /dɪ’vɔ:s/ n.
cheer sb. up
fool /fu:l/ n.
clerk /klɑ:k/ n.
haircut /’heə,kʌt/ n.
anyhow /’enɪ,hau/ adv.
modest /’mɒdɪst/ adj.
brunch /brʌntʃ/ n.
anniversary /‚ænɪ’vɜ:sərɪ/ n.
hostess /’həʊstɪs/ n.
interrupt /,ɪntə’rʌpt/ v.
leave out
factual /’fæktʃʊəl/ adj.
genuine /’dʒenjʊɪn/ adj.
hospitable /hɒ’spɪtəbl/ adj.
secretive /’sɪ:kəɪtɪv/ adj.
violate /’vaɪə,leɪt/ v.
define /dɪ’faɪn/ v.
(be) aware of
take the lead
graciously /’greiʃəsli/ adv.
show off
function /’fʌŋkʃn/ n.
psychologist /saɪ’kɒlədʒɪst/ n.
successful /sək’sesfl/ adj.
formula /’fɔ:mjələ/ n.
imagine /ɪ’mædʒɪn/ v.
purpose /’pɜ:pəs/ n.
circumstance /|’sɜ:kəmstəns/ n.
apologise /ə’pɔlədʒaɪz/ v.
Module 2
series /’siəri:z/ n.
subtle /’sʌtl/ adj.
amber /’æmbə/ n.
heroine /’herəʊɪn/ n.
hero /’hiərəʊər/ n.
play an important part in
novel /’nɒvl/ n.
philosophical /,fɪlə’sɒfɪkl/ adj.
direction /dɪ’rekʃn/ n.
vanish /’vænɪʃ/ v.
behave /bɪ’heɪv/ v.
bush /bʊʃ/ n.
definitely /’defənətlɪ/ adv.
hesitate /’hezɪteɪt/ v.
scent /sent/ n.
doubt /daʊt/ n.
direction /dɪ’rekʃn/ n.
rub /rʌb/ v.
bite /baɪt/ v.
pad /pæd/ n.
exhaustion /ɪɡ’zɔstʃən/ n.
put … down
hold out
come up to
longing /’lɔŋɪŋ/ n.
turn away
patrol /pə’trəʊl/ v.
paw /pɔ:/ n.
pat /pæt/ v.
invisible /ɪn’vɪzəbl/ adj.
arch /ɑ:tʃ/ v.
tail /teɪl/ n.
alertly /ə’lə:tli/ adv.
patch /pætʃ/ n.
alarm /ə’lɑ:m/ n.
sniff /snɪf/ v.
blink /blɪŋ k/ v.
sweep over
keep one’s eyes on
fix on
cast about
edge /edʒ/ n.
roughly /’rʌflɪ/ adv.
square /skweə/ adj.
shape /ʃeɪp/ n.
level /’levl/ adj.
profoundly /prə’faʊndlɪ/ adv.
alien /’eɪljən/ adj.
swim /swɪm/ v.
fabric /’fæbrɪk/ n.
palm /pɑ:m/ n.
utterly /’ʌtəlɪ/ adv.
prospect /’prɒspekt/ n.
slope /sləʊp/ n.
parkland /’pɑ:k,lænd/ n.
gleam /glɪ:m/ n.
bare /beə/ adj.
bend /bend/ v.
dawning /dɔ:niŋ/ adj.
dream /dri:m/ v.
awake /ə’weɪk/ adj.
look around for
revenge /rɪ’vendʒ/ v.
marry /’mærɪ/ v.
wicked /’wɪkɪd/ adj.
cottage /’kɒtɪdʒ/ n.
put a spell on
punish /’pʌnɪʃ/ v.
appeal /ə’pi:l/ n.
cafeteria /‚kæfə’tɪərɪə/ n.
envelope /’envələʊp/ n.
literary /’lɪtərerɪ/ adj.
bond /bɒnd/ n.
output /’aʊt,pʊt/ n.
schoolchildren /’sku:l,tʃildrən/ n.
typewriter /’taip,raitə/ n.
stateswoman /seilz,wʊmən/ n.
gifted /’gɪftɪd/ adj.
roots /ru:ts/ n.
flesh /fleʃ/ n.
(be) associated with
format /fɔ:mæt/ n.
anecdote /’ænɪkdəʊt/ n.
draft /drɑ:ft/ n.
burden /’bɜ:dn/ n.
swift /swɪft/ adj.
stubborn /’stʌbən/ adj.
overcome /‚əʊvə’kʌm/ v.
adjustment /ə’dʒʌstment/ n.
automatic /‚ɔ:tə’mætɪk/ adj.
target /’tɑ:gɪt/ n.
criticism /’krɪtɪ,sɪzəm/ n.
appeal to sb.
curriculum /kə’rɪkjʊləm/ n.
(be) restricted to
distribute /dɪ’strɪbju:t/ v.
accumulate /ə’kju:mjʊ,leɪt/ v.
deposit /dɪ’pɒzɪt/ n.
thus /ðʌs/ adv.
attain /ə’teɪn/ v.
status /’steɪtəs/ n.
billionaire /,biljə’neə/ n.
wardrobe /’wɔ:drəʊb/ n.
sorrow /’sɔrəu/ n.
ahead of
ought /ɔ:t/ v.
look back over one’s shoulder
catch a glimpse of
set out
curly /’kə:li/ adj.
exclaim /ik’skleim/ v.
magical /’mædʒikəl/ adj.
power /’pauə/ n.
dwarf /dwɔ:f/ n.
possess /pə’zes/ v.
Module 3
interpersonal /,ɪntər’pɜ:sənəl/ adj.
close /kləus/ adj.
trust /trʌst/ v.
chat /tʃæt/ v.
note /nəut/ n.
burst out
knock … over
financially /fai’nænʃli/ adv.
moody /’mu:di/ adj.
lose interest in
from time to time
cloakroom /’kləukrum/ n.
turn round
amount /ə’maunt/ n.
locker /’lɔkə/ n.
fair /fɛə/ n.
raise /reiz/ v.
raise money
theft /θeft/ n.
swing /swiŋ/ v.
count /kaunt/ v.
underneath /‚ʌndə’nɪ:θ/ prep.
on the phone
lively /’laivli/ adj.
quarrel /’kwɔrəl/ v. & n.
make up
regret /ri’gret/ v.
keep in touch
lose touch with
sweets /swi:ts/ n.
alike /ə’laik/ adj.
(be) ashamed of
betray /bi’trei/ v.
considerate /kən’sidərət/ adj.
forgive /fə’giv/ v.
loss /lɔs/ n.
scold /skəuld/
hurt /hə:t/ adj.
(be) blessed with
pine /pain/ n.
worm /wə:m/ n.
cage /keidʒ/ n.
(be) allergic to
tiny /’taini/ adj.
swell /swel/ v.
squirrel /’skwirəl/ n.
ripen /’raipən/ v.
harvest /’hɑ:vist/ n.
slide /slaid/ v.
stony /’stəuni/ adj.
spray /sprei/ n.
carpenter /’kɑ:pintə/ n.
broom /bru:m/ n.
cigar /si’gɑ:/ n.
slip /slip/ v.
damp /dæmp/ adj.
scratch /skrætʃ/ v.
heel /hi:l/ n.
tear /teə/ v.
underwear /’ʌndəweə/ n.
(be) on good terms with
salute /sə’lu:t/ n.
spy /spai/ n.
perfect /’pə:fikt/ adj.
acute /ə’kju:t/ adj.
privilege /’privilidʒ/ n.
rewind /,ri’waɪnd/ v.
predic /’pridɪkɪ/ v.
glowing /gləuɪŋ/ adj.
flee /fli:/ v.
pace /peis/ v.
amid /ə’mid/ prep.
liar /’laiə/ n.
all at once
bring … to mind
in return
reunite /,riju:’naɪt/
couple /’kʌpl/ n.
partner /’pɑ:tnə/ n.
mention /’menʃən/ v.
belong to
bottom /’bɔtəm/ n.
from the bottom of one’s heart
Module 4
relative /’relətiv/ n.
give concerts
conservatory /kən’sə:vətəri/ n.
interpret /in’tə:prit/ v.
(be) true of / for
folk song
characteristic /,kærəktə’ristik/ n.
poetry /’pəuitri/ n.
poetic /pəu’etik/ adj.
give life to
(be) the same with
combine /kəm’bain/ v.
depress /di’pres/ v.
share feelings and ideas with
make contact with
master musician
compose music
ambition /æm’biʃən/ n.
regarding /rɪ’gɑ:dɪŋ/ n.
melody /’melədi/ n.
rhyme /raim/ n.
passerby /pa:sə’baɪ/ n.
pedestrian /pe’destrɪən/ n.
semi-circle n.
interval /’intəvl/ n.
plug /plʌg/ v.
socket /’sɔkit/ n.
regulate /’regju,leit/ v.
organ /’ɔ:gən/ n.
echo /’ekəu/ v.
side road n.
saucer /’sɔ:sə/ n.
voluntary /’vɔləntəri/ adj.
shrink /ʃriŋk/ v.
vacant /’veikənt/ adj.
lid /lid/ n.
handle /’hændl/ n.
tap /tæp/ v.
mop /mɔp/ v.
spotted /’spɒtɪd/ adj.
all of a sudden
popcorn /’pɔp,kɔ:n/ n.
dance to the music
tunnel /’tʌnl/ n.
relay /ri’lei/ v.
liveliness /’laivlinəs/ n.
relief /ri’li:f/ n.
relax /ri’læks/ v.
collection /kə’lekʃən/ n.
charm /tʃɑ:m/ v.
scene /si:n/ n.
billboard /’bɪl,bɔ:d/ n.
draw upon
symbolic /sɪmb’ɒlɪk/ adj.
honour /’ɔnə/ v.
heritage /’heritidʒ/ n.
present /pri’zent/ v.
in addition to
critic /’krɪtɪk/ n.
therefore /’ðeəfɔ:/ adv.
Module 5
clone /kləʊn/ v.
terrify /’terəfaɪ/ v.
wrinkled /’rɪŋkld/ adj.
wing /wɪŋ/ n.
chase /tʃeɪz/ v.
disgust /dɪs’gʌst/ v.
emotion /ɪ’məʊʃn/ n.
fiancée /fi’ɑ:nsєi/ n.
murder /’mɜ:də/ v.
refuse /rɪ’fju:z/ v.
burn out
breathe /bri:ð/ v.
vein /veɪn/ n.
contrast /kən’trɑ:st/ v.
contrast with
rush /rʌʃ/ v.
throw oneself on …
fear /fɪə/ n.
make a sound
again and again
nightmare /’naɪtmeə/ n.
gene /dʒɪ:n/ n.
identical /aɪ’dentɪkl/ adj.
beneficial /‚benɪ’fɪʃl/ adj.
by mistake
cure /kjʊə/ v.
treat … as
imaginary /ɪ’mædʒəneri/ adj.
head /hed/ n.
incredible /ɪn’kredəbl/ adj.
nonsense /’nɑnsens/ n.
acid /’æsɪd/ adj.
bacteria /bæk’tɪərɪə/ n.
tissue /’tɪʃu:/ n.
organism /’ɔ:gə,niəzm/ n.
stem cell
upbringing /’ʌp,briŋiŋ/ n.
genetic /dʒə’netɪk/ adj.
make-up n.
genetics /dʒə’netiks/ n.
transparent /træns’pærənt/ adj.
twisting /t’wɪstɪŋ/ adj.
fundamental /‚fʌndə’mentl/ adj.
component /kəm’pəʊnənt/ n.
pea /pɪ:/ n.
procedure /prə’sɪ:dʒə/ n.
unzip /’ʌn’zip/ v.
a sequence of
insert /ɪn’sɜ:t/ v.
(be) identical to
controversial /‚kɒntrə’vɜ:ʃl/ adj.
valid /’vælɪd/ adj.
optional /’ɒpʃənl/ adj.
reproduce /‚rɪ:prə’dju:s/ v.
exceptional /ik’sepʃənl/ adj.
contradictory /‚kɒntrə’dɪktəri/ adj.
vice /vaɪs/ n.
virtue /’vɜ:tʃu:/ n.
flexible /’fleksəbl/ adj.
compulsory /kəm’pʌlsərɪ/ adj.
regulation /,regjʊ’leɪʃn/ n.
handy /’hændɪ/ adj.
resist /rɪ’zɪst/ v.
sow /səʊ/ v.
rot /rɒt/ n.
pest /pest/ n.
rely on
biodiversity /‚baɪəʊdaɪ’və:səti/ n.
breed /bri:d/ n.
analyse /æ’nə,laiz/ v.
suspect /’sʌspekt/ n.
saliva /sə’laɪvə/ n.
spit /spɪt/ v.
fingernail /’fiŋgə,neil/ n.
code /kəʊd/ n.
as follows
sci-fi /’sai’fai/ adj.
accompany /ə’kʌmpənɪ/ v.
knock out
get out of control
as far as we know
absorb /əb’sɔ:b/ v.
sample /’sɑ:mpl/ n.
intact /ɪn’tækt/ adj.
break down
arise /ə’raɪz/ v.
vice versa
bring … back to life
violence /’vaɪələns/ n.
Module 6
vengeful /’vendʒfl/ adj.
invade /ɪn’veɪd/ v.
abandon /ə’bændən/ v.
declare war on
operation /,ɒpə’reɪʃən/ n.
make a breakthrough
drown /draʊn/ v.
survivor /sə’vaɪvə/ n.
last /lɑ:st/ v.
occupy /’ɒkjʊpaɪ/ v.
beach /bi:tʃ/ n.
troop /tru:p/ n.
commander /kə’mɑ:ndə/ n.
eventually /i’ventʃuəlɪ/ adv.
heroism /’herəʊ,izəm/ n.
pick up
deep /di:p/ adj.
wound /wu:nd/ v.
shocked /ʃɔkt/ adj.
private /’praɪvət/ n.
memorial /mə’mɔ:rɪəl/ n.
overlook /ˌəuvə’luk/ v.
grave /greɪv/ n.
war memorial
nationality /,næʃə’nælətɪ/ n.
rescue /’reskju:/ v.
backpack /’bækpæk/ n.
afterwards /’ɑ:ftəwədz/ adv.
drop /drɒp/ v.
bomb /bɒm/ n.
campaign /kæm’peɪn/ n.
station /’steɪʃn/ n.
chain /tʃeɪn/ n.
view /vju:/ n.
image /’ɪmɪdʒ/ n.
chaos /’keɪɒs/ n.
senseless /’sensləs/ adj.
courage /’kʌrɪdʒ/ n.
sacrifice /’sækrɪfaɪs/ n.
memorable /’memərəbl/ adj.
to one’s astonishment
company /’kʌmpənɪ/ n.
baggage /’bægɪdʒ/ n.
bedding /’bedɪŋ/ n.
comb /kəʊm/ n.
confidential /‚kɒnfɪ’denʃl/ adj.
mess /mes/ n.
perfume /’pɜ:fju:m/ n.
razor /’reɪzə/ n.
scissors /’sɪzəz/ n.
shave /ʃeɪv/ v. & n.
stocking /’stɒkɪŋ/ n.
tractor /’træktə/ n.
yell /jel/ v.
barbershop /’bɑ:bə,ʃɔp/ n.
chin /tʃɪn/ n.
moustache /mə’stɑ:ʃ/ n.
wax /wæks/ n.
sharpener /’ʃɑ:pənə/ n.
unload /ʌn’ləud/ v.
jar /dʒɑ:/ n.
carrot /’kærət/ n.
cheers /tʃɪəz/ int.
liberation /‚lɪbə’reɪʃn/ n.
constitution /‚kɒnstɪ’tju:ʃn/ n.
vinegar /’vɪnɪgə/ n.
worthwhile /’wə:θ’wail/ adj.
statesman /’steɪtsmən/ n.
encourage /ɪn’kʌrɪdʒ/ v.
surrender /sə’rendə/ v.
strategy /’strætədʒɪ/ n.
quote /kwəʊt/ v.
helmet /’helmɪt/ n.
peacekeeper /’pi:ski:pə/ n.
arm /ɑ:m/ v.
disagreement /‚dɪsə’grɪ:mənt/ n.
personnel /‚pɜ:sə’nel/ n.
civilian /sɪ’vɪliən/ n.
despite /dɪ’spaɪt/ prep.
Module 1
dream team
star /stɑ:/ n.
forward /’fɔ:wəd/ n.
defend /dɪ’fend/ v.
guard /gɑ:d/ n.
referee /,refə’ri:/ n.
hoop /hu:p/ n.
court /kɔ:t/ n.
association /ə,səʊ.si’eɪ.ʃn/ n.
league /li:g/ n.
top-class adj.
talented /’tælənt/ adj.
professional /prə’feʃən/ n
complicated /’kɒmplɪkeɪt/ adj.
hold /həʊld/ v.
title /’taɪtļ/ n.
centre /’sentə/ n.
scorer /’skɒ:rə] n.
valued adj.
in the history of
grow up
attend /ə’tend/ v.
with an average of
average /’ævərɪdʒ/ n.
per prep.
gold medal
motivation /,məʊtɪ’veɪʃn/ n.
tie /taɪ/ n.
steak /steɪk/ n.
alongside /ə’lɒŋ,saɪd/ prep.
awesome /’ɔ:səm/ adj.
shipyard /’ʃɪp.jɑ:d/ n.
various /’veəriəs/ adj.
entire /ɪn’taɪə/ adj.
immediate /ɪ’mi:diət/ adj.
There’s no doubt that …
deserve /dɪ’zɜ:v/ v.
outstanding /aʊt’stændɪŋ/ adj
generation /,dʒenə’reɪʃn/ n.
popularity /,pɔpju’lærətɪ/ n.
live adv.
commentary / ‘kɔməntrɪ/ n.
half /hɑ:f/ n.
overtime /’əuvətaɪm/ n.
coach /kəʊtʃ/ n.
commentator /’kɒmənteɪtə/ n
rely /rɪ’laɪ/ v.
quarter /’kwɔ:.tə/ n.
selfish /’selfɪʃ/ adj.
all the time
nature /’neɪtʃə/ n.
instant /’ɪnstənt/ adj.
hit n.
nationwide /,neɪʃn’waɪd/ adj.
if necessary
be rude to
dominate /’dɔmɪneɪt/ v.
be used to
draw sb’s attention to
wrestling /’reslɪŋ/ n.
boxing /’bɒksɪŋ/ n.
upwards /’ʌpwəd/ adv.
angle /’æŋgļ/ n.
collision /kə’lɪʒn/ n.
parallel /’pærəlel/ adj.
adequate /’ædɪkwət/ adj
sock n.
sneaker /’sni:.kə/ n.
absorb /əb’sɔ:b/ v.
bound /baʊnd/ v.
vest /vest/ n.
abrupt /ə’brʌpt/ adj.
accelerate /ək’seləreɪt/ v.
bounce /’bauns/ n.
tournament /’tɔ:nəmənt/ n.
interval /’ɪntəvl/ n.
appoint /ə’pɔɪnt/ v.
typical /’tɪpɪkl/ adj.
slim /slɪm/ adj.
stout /staʊt/ adj.
belly /’beli/ n.
obtain /əb’teɪn/ v.
circuit /’sɜ:.kɪt/ n.
boundary /’baundərɪ/ n.
controversial /,kɔntrə’vɜ:ʃl/ adj.
aside /ə’saɪd/ adv.
dip /dɪp/ v.
commit /kə’mɪt/ v.
take possession of
howl /haʊl/ v.
bleed /bli:d/ v.
cheek /tʃi:k/ n.
pulse /pʌls/ n.
confirm /kən’fɜ:m/ v.
dizzy /’dɪzi/ adj.
bandage /’bændɪdʒ/ n.
blanket /’blæŋkɪt/ n.
ambulance /’æmbjuləns/ n.
considerate /kənˋsɪdərɪt / adj.
apologise /ə’pɔlədʒaɪz/ v.
sniff /snɪf/ v.
weep /wi:p/ v.
frustration /frʌs’treɪʃn/ n.
teamwork n.
scar /skɑ:/ n.
oval /’əuvl/ adj.
pole /pəʊl/ n.
basis /’beɪsɪs/ n.
be based on
version /’vɜ:ʃn/ n.
highlight /’haɪlaɪt/ n.
chart /tʃɑ:t/ n
peer /pɪə/ n.
forever /fə’revə/ adv.
look back at
settle /’setl/ v.
have fun
competitive /kəm’petɪtɪv/ adj.
elect /ɪ’lekt/ v.
suit /sju:t/ v.
rent /rent/ v.
It’s a great pity that …
enormous /ɪ’nɔ:məs/ adj.
slogan /’sləʊgən/ n.
attract /ə’trækt/ v.
photography fə’tɒgrəfɪ n.
keen /ki:n/ adj.
issue /’ɪʃu:/ n.
as far as I’m concerned
in my view
after-school adj.
consider /kən’sɪdə/ v.
be considered as
develop /dɪ’veləp/ v.
activity /æk’tɪvɪtɪ/ n.
ability /ə’bɪlətɪ/ n.
outdoor /’aʊtdɔ:/ adj.
be likely to do
tradition /trə’dɪʃn/ n.
boarding /’bɔ:.dɪŋ/ adj.
nursery /’nɜ:sərɪ/ n.
recite /rɪ’saɪt/ v.
alphabet /’ælfəbet/ n.
institution /,ɪnstɪ’tju:ʃn/ n.
sew /səʊ/ v.
woolen /’wʊlən/ adj.
suitcase /’sju:tkeɪs/ n.
luggage /’lʌgɪdʒ/ n.
innocent /’ɪnəsnt/ adj.
pillow /’pɪləʊ/ n.
quilt /kwɪlt/ n.
worn /wɔ:n/ adj.
armchair /’ɑ:mtʃeə/ n.
shabby /’ʃæbɪ/ adj.
cushion /’kʊʃn/ n.
kettle /’ketl/ n.
decoration /,dekə’reɪʃn/ n.
curtain /’kɜ:.tn/ n.
washroom /’wɒʃrʊm/ n.
basin /’beɪsn/ n.
bathtub /’bɑ:θtʌb/ n.
sob /sɒb/ v.
arithmetic /ə’rɪθmətɪk/ n.
multiply /’mʌltɪplaɪ/ v.
algebra /’ældʒɪbrə/ n.
geometry /dʒɪ’ɒmətrɪ/ n.
concept /’kɒnsept/ n.
cubic /’kju:bɪk/ adj.
acre /’eɪkə/ n.
gram /græm/ n.
dynamic /daɪ’næmɪk/ adj.
bachelor /’bætʃələ/ n.
botanical /bə’tænɪkəl/ adj.
microscope /’maɪkrəskəup/ n.
regulation /,regju’leɪʃn/ n.
punctual /’pʌŋktʃuəl/ adj.
T-shirt n.
weekday n.
irritate /’ɪrɪteɪt/ v.
upset /ʌp’set/ v.
polish /’pɒlɪʃ/ v.
zipper /’zɪpə/ n.
button /’bʌtn/ n.
mailbox /’meɪlbɒks/ n.
airmail /’eəmeɪl/ n.
fortnight /’fɔ:tnaɪt/ n.
certificate /sə’tɪfɪkət/ n.
scholarship /’skɒləʃɪp/ n.
cheerleader /’tʃɪə,li:də/ n.
cheer v.
routine /ru:’ti:n/ n.
course /kɔ:s/ n.
Module 3
novelist /’nɒvəlɪst/ n.
scene /si:n/ n.
cruel /’kru:əl/ adj.
feed /fi:d/ v.
pot /pɒt/ n.
serve /sɜ:v/ v.
eager /’i:gə/ adj.
appetite /’æpɪtaɪt/ n.
whisper /’wɪspə/ v.
desperate /’despərɪt/ adj.
healthy /’helθi/ adj.
in astonishment
support /sə’pɔ:t/ n.
in a … voice
no sooner … than …
seize /si:z/ v.
hang /hæŋ/ v.
lock /lɒk/ v.
reward /rɪ’wɔ:d/ n.
scream /skri:m/ v.
collar /’kɒlə/ n.
rough /rʌf/ adj.
drag /dræg/ v.
naughty /’nɔ:tɪ/ adj.
orphan /’ɔ:fn/ n.
escape /ɪ’skeɪp/ v.
prison /’prɪzn/ n.
wedding /’wedɪŋ/ n.
intend /ɪn’tend/ v.
illegally /ɪ’li:gəlɪ/ adv.
repay /rɪ’peɪ/ v.
cast /kɑ:st/ n.
distribute /dɪ’strɪbju:t/ v.
chapter /’tʃæptə/ n.
sparrow /’spærəʊ/ n.
seagull /’si:gʌl/ n.
pipe /paɪp/ n.
smog /smɒg/ n.
choke /tʃəʊk/ v.
swallow /’swɒləʊ/ v.
rag /ræg/ n.
dustbin /’dʌstbɪn/ n.
attain /ə’teɪn/ v.
nutrition /nju:’trɪʃn/ n.
starvation /stɑ:’veɪʃn/ n.
welfare /’welfeə/ n.
concern /kən’sɜ:n/ n.
taxpayer /’tæks,peɪə/ n.
compass /’kʌmpəs/ n.
anchor /’æŋkə/ n.
inn /ɪn/ n.
carrier /’kærɪə/ n.
accumulate /ə’kju:mjuleɪt/ v.
corporation /,kɔ:pə’reɪʃn/ n.
navy /’neɪvɪ/ n.
pile /paɪl/ n.
paperwork /’peɪpəwɜ:k/ n.
trial /traɪəl/ n.
pump /pʌmp/ n.
fountain /’faʊntɪn/ n.
pub /pʌb/ n.
maid /meɪd/ n.
bunch /bʌntʃ/ n.
mistress /’mɪstrɪs/ n.
accomplish /ə’kʌmplɪʃ/ v.
ambassador /æm’bæsədə/ n.
humble /’hʌmbļ/ adj.
pedestrian /pɪ’destrɪən/ n.
lantern /læntən / n.
mourn /mɔ:n/ v.
a huge amount of
bring sth. to the attention of sb.
Module 4
soul music
blues n.
rhythm /’rɪðəm/ n.
graffiti /grə’fi:tɪ/ n.
microphone /’maɪkrəfəun/ n.
hip hop
rap /ræp/ n.
movement /’mu:vmənt/ n.
technique /tek’ni:k/ n.
side by side
vocal /’vəukl/ adj.
approach /ə’prəʊtʃ/ n.
be bored with
disco /’dɪskəu/ n.
decline /dɪ’klaɪn/ n.
take advantage of
rapper /’ræpə/ n.
emerge /ɪ’mɜ:dʒ/ v.
rather than
touch /tʌtʃ/ v.
trumpet /’trʌmpɪt/ n.
in order
try out
arise /ə’raɪz/ v.
offshore /,ɔf’ʃɔ:/ adv.
boom /bu:m/ v.
friction /’frɪkʃn/ n.
harmony /’hɑ:.mənɪ/ n.
virtue /’vɜ:tju:/ n.
be blessed with
conventional /kən’venʃənl/ adj.
fancy /’fænsɪ/ adj.
blouse /blaʊz/ n.
neat /ni:t/ adj.
consensus /kən’sensəs/ n.
makeover /’meɪk,əʊvə/ n.
budget /’bʌdʒɪt/ v.
cheque /tʃek/ n.
consultant /kən’sʌltənt/ n.
vain /veɪn/ adj.
bonus /’bəʊnəs/ n.
pace /peɪs/ n.
tight /taɪt/ adj.
schedule /’ʃedju:l/ n.
spokeswoman /’spəʊks,wʊmən/ n.
deadline /’dedlaɪn/ n.
otherwise /’ʌðəwaɪz/ adv.
come out
allowance /ə’lauəns/ n.
far from
part-time adj.
devote /dɪ’vəut/ v.
be devoted to
swap /swɒp/ v.
super /’su:pə/ adj.
yell /jel/ v.
beg /beg/ v.
beg for
pension /’penʃn/ n.
quit /kwɪt/ v.
refreshing /rɪ’freʃɪŋ/ adj.
pioneer /,paɪə’nɪə/ n.
solo /’səʊləʊ/ n.
make an impression on sb.
protest /’prəʊtest/ n.
migrant /’maɪgrənt/ n.
humorous /’hju:mərəs/ adj.
Module 5
ethnic /’eθnɪk/ adj.
minority /maɪ’nɔrətɪ/ n.
rainforest /’reɪnfɒrɪst/ n.
diverse /daɪ’vɜ:s/ adj.
native /’neɪtɪv/ adj.
bright-coloured adj.
belt /belt/ n.
varied /’veərɪd/ adj.
maze /meɪz/ n.
cobbled /’kɒbld/ adj.
run v.
inherit /ɪn’herɪt/ v.
property /’prɔpətɪ/ n.
custom /’kʌstəm/ n.
apron /’eɪprən/ n.
in use
hatch /hætʃ/ v.
pineapple /’paɪn,æpl/ n.
bucket /’bʌkɪt/ n.
splash /splæʃ/ v.
apparently /ə’pærəntlɪ/ adv.
has a population of
crop /krɒp/ n.
opera /’ɒprə/ n.
maize /meɪz/ n.
farm /fɑ:m/ v.
fish /fɪʃ/ v.
script /skrɪpt/ n.
ouch /aʊtʃ/ interj
hammer /’hæmə/ n.
foolish /’fu:.lɪʃ/ adj.
lame /leɪm/ adj.
hop /hɒp/ v.
tyre /taɪə/ n.
firm /fɜ:m/ adj.
jungle /’dʒʌŋgl/ n.
soul /səʊl/ n.
in the distance
ox /ɒks/ n.
spear /spɪə/ n.
garment /’gɑ:mənt/ n.
sleeve /sli:v/ n.
necklace /’nekləs/ n.
jewellery /’dʒu:əlrɪ/ n.
set off
arch /ɑ:tʃ/ n.
rigid /’rɪdʒɪd/ adj.
framework /’freɪmwɜ:k/ n.
fasten /’fɑ:sn/ v.
loose /lu:s/ adj.
fibre /’faɪbə/ n.
corn /kɔ:n/ n.
spade /speɪd/ n.
tool /tu:l/ n.
chick /tʃɪk/ n.
rooster /’ru:stə/ n.
fold /fəʊld/ v.
adjust /ə’dʒʌst/ v.
furnish /’fɜ:nɪʃ/ v.
mat /mæt/ n.
teapot /’ti:pɒt/ n.
bare /beə/ adj.
waist /weɪst/ n.
widow /’wɪdəʊ/ n.
nephew /’nefju:/ n.
garage /’gærɑ:ʒ/ n.
awkward /’ɔ:kwəd/ adj.
rainbow /’reɪnbəʊ/ n.
gatherer /’gæðərə/ n.
Module 6
venue /’venju:/ n.
preserve /prɪ’zɜ:v/ v.
agreement /ə’gri:mənt/ n.
invest /ɪn’vest/ v.
prehistoric /,pri:hɪ’stɔrɪk/ adj.
remains /rɪ’meɪnz/ n.
archaeologist /,ɑ:ki’ɔlədʒist/ n.
primitive /’prɪmɪtɪv/ adj.
skull /skʌl/ n.
item /’aɪtəm/ n.
existence /ɪg’zɪstns/ n.
relation /rɪ’leɪʃn/ n.
limestone /’laɪmstəʊn/ n.
span /spæn/ n.
fossil /’fɔsl/ n.
beast /bi:st/ n.
sharpen /’ʃɑ:pn/ v.
excavation /,ekskə’veɪʃn/ n.
list /lɪst/ v.
evolution /,i:və’lu:ʃn/ n.
exposure /ɪk’spəʊʒə/ n.
weed /wi:d/ n.
cement /sɪ’ment/ n.
contribute /kən’trɪbju:t/ v.
maintain /meɪn’teɪn/ n.
endangered /ɪn’deɪndʒəd/ adj.
recommend /,rekə’mend/ v.
awareness /ə’weənəs/ n.
propose /prə’pəʊz/ v.
fund /fʌnd/ n.
assistance /ə’sɪstəns/ n.
precious /’preʃəs/ adj.
of vital importance
catastrophe /kə’tæstrəfɪ/ n.
estimate /’estɪmət/ n.
length /leŋθ/ n.
request /rɪ’kwest/ n.
apart from
waterproof /’wɔ:təpru:f/ adj.
marvelous /’mɑ:.vələs/ adj.
imperial /ɪm’pɪərɪəl/ adj.
tangible /’tændʒəbl/ adj.
intangible /ɪn’tændʒəbl/ adj.
delegate /’delɪgət/ n.
monument /’mɔnjumənt/ n.
inhabitant /ɪn’hæbɪtənt/ n.
mankind /mæn’kaɪnd/ n.
directory /dɪ’rektərɪ/ n.
bid /bɪd/ n.
enlarge /ɪn’lɑ:dʒ/ v.
discrimination /dɪ’skrɪmɪneɪt/ n.
go through
advocate /’ædvəkeɪt/ v.
status /’steɪtəs/ n.
virus /’vaɪərəs/ n.
compromise /’kɔmprəmaɪz/ n.
remind sb. of sth.
seminar /’semɪnɑ:/ n.
symbolic ambassador
epic /’epɪk/ n.
agenda /ə’dʒendə/ n.
mercy /’mɜ:sɪ/ n.
at the mercy of …
undertake /,ʌndə’teɪk/ v.
absence /’æbsəns/ n.
subjective /səb’dʒektɪv/ adj.
diplomacy /dɪ’pləuməsɪ/ n.
thorough /’θʌrə/ adj.
bureaucratic /,bjʊərə’krætɪk/ adj.
in return
autonomy /ɔ:’tɒnəmɪ/ n.
federal /’fedərəl/ adj.
guidance /’gaɪdns/ n.
ignore /ɪg’nɔ:/ v.
honour /’ɒnə/ v.
be honoured for
journalism /’dʒɜ:nəlɪzəm/ n.
polar /’pəʊlə/ adj.
penguin /’peŋgwɪn/ n.
explorer /ɪk’splɔ:rə / n.
Antarctica /æntˋɑ:ktikə/ n.
annual /ænjʊəl / adj.
rainfall /’rein,fɒ:l/ n.
state /steɪt/ n.
depth /depθ/ n.
gravity /’grævətɪ / n.
inhospitable /in·hos·pi·ta·ble /adj.
extreme /ɪk’stri:m / adj.
flower /’flaʊə / v.
moss /mɒs/ n.
adapt to
trap /træp/ v.
mass /mæs/ n.
balance /’bæləns/ v.
exploration /‚eksplə’reɪʃn/ n.
set foot on
treaty /’trɪ:tɪ/ n.
commercial /kə’mɜ:ʃl/ adj.
nuclear /’nju:klɪə/ adj.
test /test/ n.
radioactive /‚reɪdɪəʊ’æktɪv/ adj.
promote /prə’məʊt/ v.
via /’vaɪə/ prep.
trap /træp/ v.
lifeboat /’laif,bəʊt/ n.
crew /kru:/ n.
voyage /’vɔɪɪdʒ/ n.
drift /drɪft/ v.
glacier /’glæsɪə/ n.
magnetic /mæg’netɪk/ adj.
glare /gleə/ n.
intense /ɪn’tens/ adj.
sunglasses /’sʌn,glɑ:siz/ n.
sun cream n.
severe / sɪ’vɪə/ adj.
eyesight /’aisait/ n.
sunburnt /’sʌnbə:nt/ adj.
minus / ‘maɪnəs/ prep.
numb /nʌm/ adj.
frost /frɔst/ n.
clothing /kləʊðɪŋ/ n.
portable /’pɔ:təbl/ adj.
pure /pjʊə/ adj.
millimetre /’miliˌmi:tə/ n.
abnormal /æb’nɔ:ml/ adj.
sunrise /’sʌn,raiz/ n.
sunset /’sʌn,set/ n.
absence /æbsəns/ n.
daylight /’dei,lait/ n.
tiresome /’taɪəsəm/ adj.
depressing /dɪ’presɪŋ/ adj.
isolated /’aɪsə‚leitɪd/ adj.
aircraft /’eə,krɑ:ft/ n.
platform /’plætfɔ:m/ n.
powder /’paʊdə n.
minimum /’mɪnɪməm/ adj.
modest /’mɑdɪst/ adj.
luxury /’lʌkʃərɪ/ adj.
cosy /’kəʊzɪ/ adj.
dormitory /’dɔ:mɪtrɪ/ n.
canteen /kæn’ti:n/ n.
stock /stɒk/ v.
laundry /’lɔ:ndrɪ/ n.
discourage /dɪs’kʌrɪdʒ/ v.
in case of
emergency /ɪ’mɜ:dʒənsɪ/ n.
conventional /kən’venʃənl/ adj.
drill /drɪl/ n.
tricky /’trɪkɪ/ adj.
fragile /’frædʒaɪl/ adj.
battery /’bætərɪ/ n.
ecology /i’kɒlədʒɪ/ n.
delicate /’delɪkət/ adj.
privilege /’prɪvəlɪdʒ/ n.
trader /’treɪdə/ n.
spice /spaɪs/ n.
jewel /’dʒu:əl/ n.
befriend /bɪ’frend/ v.
tale /teɪl/ n.
legendary /ledʒəndərɪ/ adj.
reliability /rɪ‚laɪə’bɪlətɪ/ n.
intimate /’ɪntɪmət/ adj.
inhabit /ɪn’hæbɪt/ v.
spaghetti /spə’getɪ/ n.
insight /’ɪnsaɪt/ n.
inspiration /‚ɪnspə’reɪʃn/ n.
renaissance /rə’neɪsəns/ n.
disturbing /dɪ’stɜ:bɪŋ/ adj.
subject /’sʌbʒɪkt/ n.
dull /dʌl/ adj.
basically /’beɪsɪklɪ/ adv.
work /wɜ:k/ n.
effect /ɪ’fekt/ n.
shade /ʃeɪd/ n.
frontier /‚frʌn’tɪə/ n.
cathedral /kə’θi:drəl/ n.
motivate /’məʊtɪ,veɪt/ v.
skilled /skɪld/ adj.
parachute /’pærə,ʃu:t/ n.
tank /tæŋk/ n.
overnight /ˌəʊvə’nait/ adj.
ferry /’ferɪ/ n.
tax /tæks/ v.
depend on
in history
leave for
anecdote /’ænɪk,dəʊt/ n.
authentic /ɔ:’θentɪk/ adj.
spokesman /’spəʊksmən/ n.
burglar /’bɜ:glə/ n.
leave sth. behind
antique /æn’ti:k/ adj.
basement /’beɪsmənt/ n.
courtyard /’kɔ:t,jɑ:d/ n.
passerby /pɑ:sə’bai/ n.
moustache /mə’stɑ:ʃ/ n.
parcel /’pɑ:sl/ n.
dash /dæʃ/ v.
crossing /’krɒsɪŋ/ n.
crossroads /’krɔs,rəudz/ n.
flee /flɪ:/ v.
appeal /ə’pi:l/ v.
suspect /’sʌspekt/ n.
loss /lɒs/ n.
circulate /’sɜ:kjʊ,leɪt/ v.
seek /sɪ:k/ v.
gang /gæŋ/ n.
tentative /’tentətɪv/ adj.
behalf /bɪ’hɑ:f/ n.
on behalf of
chief /tʃi:f/ adj.
fundamental /‚fʌndə’mentl/ adj.
drawback /’drɔ:,bæk/ n.
superb /su’pɜ:b/ adj.
substitute /’sʌbstɪ,tju:t/ n.
confidential /‚kɒnfɪ’denʃl/ adj.
debt /det/ n.
get tired of doing sth.
merely /’mɪəli/ adv.
outcome /’aʊt,kʌm/ n.
blame /bleɪm/ n.
liberty /’lɪbətɪ/ n.
at liberty
gifted /’gɪftɪd/ adj.
movable /’mu:vəbl/ adj.
press /pres/ n.
squeeze /skwi:z/ v.
olive /’ɑlɪv/ n.
mill /mɪl/ n.
Bible /’baɪbl/ n.
up to
lead to
passion /’pæʃn/ n.
official /ə’fɪʃl/ n.
rural /’rʊərəl/ adj.
inspire /ɪn’spaɪə/ v.
take up
profession /prə’feʃn/ n.
calculate /’kælkjʊ,leɪt/ v.
owe /əʊ/ v.
poison /’pɔɪzn/ n.
taste /teɪst/ n.
banquet /’bæŋkwɪt/ n.
dish /dɪʃ/ n.
greedily /’gri:dili/ agj.
chopstick /’tʃɔp,stik/n.
dessert /dɪ’zɜ:t/ n.
no wonder
tongue /tʌŋ/ n.
hoof /hu:f/ n.
end up
chew /tʃu:/ v.
delicacy /’delɪkəsɪ/ n.
infamous /’ɪnfəməs/ adj.
manner /’mænə/ n.
make out
requirement /rɪ’kwaɪəmənt/ n.
fixed /fɪkst/ adj.
mushroom /’mʌʃrʊ:m/ n.
mash /mæʃ/ v.
filling /’fɪlɪŋ/ n.
unrecognisable /ʌn’rekəg,naizəbl/adj.
have …in common
guest /gest/ n.
fork /fɔ:k/ n.
in short
entertain /‚entə’teɪn/ v.
menu /’menju:/ n.
tender /’tendə/ adj.
remark /rɪ’mɑ:k/ v.
casually /’kæʒjuəli/ adv.
compliment /’kɒmplɪmənt/ n.
punctuation /‚pʌŋktʃʊ’eɪʃn/ n.
porriage /’pɒridʒ/ n.
bacon /’beɪkən/ n.
roast /rəʊst/ adj.
lamb /læm/ n.
consume /kən’sju:m/ n.
butcher /’bʊtʃə/ n.
cattle /’kætl/ n.
outnumber /,aʊt’nʌmbɚ/ v.
justifiable /’dʒʌstɪ,faɪəbli/ adv.
mutton /’mʌtn/ n.
consequence /’kɒnsɪkwəns/ n.
gradual /’grædʒʊəl/ adj.
trend /trend/ n.
fusion /’fju:ʒn/ n.
cuisine /kwi:’zi:n/ n.
recipe /’resəpɪ/ n.
bean curd /’bi:n,kə:d/ n.
seaweed /’si:,wi:d/ n.
raw /rɔ:/ adj.
eggplant /’eg,plɑ:nt/ n.
lemon /’lemən/ n.
bakery /’beɪkərɪ/ n.
loaf /ləʊf/ n.
artificial /‚ɑ:tɪ’fɪʃl/ adj.
grocery /’grəʊsərɪ/ n.
customer /’kʌstmə/ n.
pan /pæn/ n.
cocoa /’kəʊkəʊ/ n.
cookie /’kʊkɪ/ n.
honey /’hʌnɪ/ n.
crisp /krɪsp/ adj
fragrant /’freɪgrənt/ adj.
dairy /’deərɪ/ n.
yoghurt /’jɒgət/ n.
abundant /ə’bʌndənt/ adj.
ripe /raɪp/ adj.
peach /pɪ:tʃ/ n.
melon /’melən/ n.
stove /stəʊv/ n
fry /fraɪ/ v.
microwave /’maɪkrə,weɪv/ v.
reheat /,rɪ:hɪ:t/ n.
barbecue /’bɑ:bɪ,kju:/ v.
grill /grɪl/ n.
slice /slaɪs/ v.
breast /brest/ n.
buffet /’bufei/ n.
altogether /‚ɔ:ltə’geðə/ v.
ample /’æmpl/ adj.
willow /’wɪləʊ/ n.
pattern /’pætən/ n.
fence /fens/ n.
foreground /’fɔ:,ɡraʊnd/ n.
songbird /’sɔŋ,bə:d/ n.
overhead /,əʊvə,hed/ adv.
set fire to
hut /hʌt/ n.
transform /træns’fɔ:m/ v.
instantly /’ɪnstəntlɪ/ adv
recognisable /’rekəg,naizəbl/ adj.
dialect /’daɪəlekt/ n
matter /’mætə/ v.
as long as
count /kaʊnt/ v.
trace /treɪs/ n.
unique /ju:’nɪ:k/ adj.
lie in
intonation /‚ɪntə’neɪʃn/ n.
author /’ɔ:θə/ n.
ancestor /’ænsestə/ n.
link /lɪŋk/ n.
rhythm /’rɪðəm/ n.
bilingual /baɪ’lɪŋgwəl/ adj.
debate /dɪ’beit/ .
complain /kəm’pleɪn/ v.
telegraph /’telɪ,grɑ:f/ n.
media /’me:dɪə/ n.
revolution / ‚revə’lu:ʃn/ n.
investigate / ɪn’vestɪ,geɪt/ v.
flavour /’fleɪvə/ n.
acquire /ə’kwaɪə/ v.
convinced /kən’vinst/ adj.
telecommunication /ˌtelikəˌmju:ni’keiʃən/ n.
in conclusion
furthermore /’fə:ðəmɒ:/ adv.
a huge number of
splendid /’splendɪd/ adj.
straightforward /‚streɪt’fɔ:wəd/ adj.
association /ə‚səʊsɪ’eɪʃn/ n.
ambiguous /æm’bɪgjʊəs/ adj. dilemma /dɪ’lemə/ n.
explicit /ɪk’splɪsɪt/ adj.
relevant /’reləvənt/ adj.
absurd /əb’sɜ:d/ adj.
convey /kən’veɪ/ v.
concept /’kɒnsept/ n.
thus /ðʌs/ adv.
get down to sth
clarify /’klærə,faɪ/ v.
tendency /’tendənsɪ/ n.
disorganised /|dɪs’ɔ:gə,naɪzd/ adj.
vague /veɪg/ adj.
clumsy /’klʌmzɪ/ adj.
select /sɪ’lekt/ v.
significance /sɪg’nɪfɪkəns/ n.
withdraw /wɪð’drɔ:/ v.
reject /rɪ’dʒekt/ v.
potential /pə’tenʃl/ adj.
abuse /ə’bju:z/ v.
offence /ə’fens/ n.
statesman /’steɪtsmənt/ n.
betray /bɪ’treɪ/ v.
let sb down
overcome /‚əʊvə’kʌm/ v.
prayer /preə/ n.
oppose /ə’pəʊz/ v.
prejudice /’predʒʊdɪs/ n.
resist /rɪ’zɪst/ n.
conflict /’kɒnflɪkt/ n.
moral /’mɔrəl/ n.
superior /sʊ’pɪərɪə/ adj.
status /’steɪtəs/ n.
classify /’klæsɪ,faɪ/ v.
sex /seks/ n.
approval /ə’pru:vl/ n.
curiosity /‚kjʊərɪ’ɒsətɪ/ n.
fascination /‚fæsɪ’neɪʃn/ n.
tone /təʊn/ n.
initially /ɪ’nɪʃlɪ/ adv.
candidate /’kændɪ,dəit/ n.
spin-off /’spinɒf/ n.
leap /lɪ:p/ n.
joint /dʒɔɪnt/ adj.
Mars /mɑ:z/ n.
probe /prəʊb/ n.
accustomed /ə’kʌstəmd/ adj.
shuttle /’ʃʌtl/ n.
historic /hɪ’stɒrik/ adj.
tune /tju:n/ v.
witness /’wɪtnəs/ v.
assume /ə’sju:m/ v.
patience /’peɪʃns/ n.
in spite of
advanced /əd’va:nst/ adj.
at the very beginning of
burst /bɜ:st/ v.
depend /dɪ’pend/ v.
planet /’plænɪt/ n.
view /vju:/ v.
decade /’dekeɪd/ n.
a series of
acknowledge /ək’nɒlɪdʒ/ v.
random /’rændəm/ adj.
backwards /b’ækwədz/ adv.
deed /di:d/ n.
knight /naɪt/ n.
tension /’tenʃn/ n.
autonomous /ɔ:’tɒnəməs/ adj.
defeat /dɪ’fi:t/ n.
authority /ɔ:’θɒrətɪ/ n.
accuse /ə’kju:z/ v.
accuse sb of doing sth
swear /sweə/ v.
avenge /ə’vendʒ/ v.
sorrow /’sɒrəʊ/ n.
latter /’lætə/ n.
grasp /grɑ:sp/ n.
relief /rɪ’lɪ:f/ n.
glory /’glɔ:rɪ/ n.
division /dɪ’vɪʒn/ n.
airspace /’ɛə,speis/ n.
motherland /’mʌðə,lænd/ n.
abstract /’æbstrækt/ adj.
foresee /fɔ:’sɪ: / v.
destiny /,destənɪ/ n.
aid /eɪd/ n.
broad /brɔ:d/ adj.
sympathy /’sɪmpəθɪ/ n.
commitment /kə’mɪtmənt/ n.
ought /ɔ:t/ v.
consistent /kən’sɪstənt/ adj.
faith /feɪθ/ n.
rational /’ræʃənl/ adj.
dignity /’dɪgnətɪ/ n.
devotion /dɪ’vəʊʃn/ n .
pray /preɪ/ v.
pray for
holy /’həʊlɪ/ adj.
acute /ə’kju:t/ adj.
be similar to
stable /’steɪbl/ adj.
human being
supreme /sʊ’prɪ:m/ adj.
scholar /’skɒlə/ n.
consult /kən’sʌlt/ v.
whilst /waɪlst/ conj.= while
arguably /’ɑ:gjʊəblɪ/ adv.
dramatic /drə’mætɪk/ adj.
invasion /ɪn’veɪʒn/ n.
alien /’eɪlɪən/ n.
impact /’ɪmpækt/ n.
observation /‚ɒbzə’veɪʃn/ n.
inescapable /‚ɪnɪ’skeɪpəbl/ adj.
assumption /ə’sʌmpʃn/ n.
set .. in motion
underway /,ʌndə’wei/ adj.
newsflash n.
mounting /’maʊntɪŋ/ adj.
deliberately /di’libərətli/ adv.
set out
acquaintance /’əkweɪntəns/ n.
farewell /,feə’wel/ n.
bar /bɑ:/ v.
part /pɑ:t/ v.
neigh /neɪ/ v.
seed /sɪ:d/ n.
dynasty /’dɪnəstɪ/ n.
expansion /ik’spænʃn/ n.
tolerant /’tɒlərənt/ adj. .
Arab /’ærəb/ n.
Jew /dʒu:/ n.
Buddhism /’bʊdɪzəm/ n.
astronomy /ə’strɒnəmɪ/ n.
shadow /’ʃædəʊ/ n.
altitude /’æltɪ,tju:d/ n.
specialist /’speʃəlɪst/
share /ʃeə/ n.
advance /əd’vɑ:ns/ n.
syllable /’sɪləbl/ n.
failure /’feɪljə/ n.
suffering /’sʌfərɪŋ/ n.
corruption /kə’rʌpʃn/ n.
merchant /’mɜ:tʃənt/ n.
irregular /ɪ’regjʊlə/ adj.
realist /’rɪəlɪst/ n.
romantic /rəʊ’mæntɪk/ n.
take hold of
reflection /rɪ’flekʃn/ n .
mental /’mentl/ adj.
alcohol /’ælkə,hɒl/ n.
flutter /’flʌtə/ v.
breeze /bri:z/ n.
long-term /’lɒŋtə:m/ adj.
disorder /dɪs’ɔ:də/ n.
channel /’tʃænl/ n.
prove /pru:v/ v.
reveal /rɪ’vɪ:l/ v.
cereal /’sɪərɪəl/ n.
appeal /ə’pi:l/ n.
glance /glɑ:ns/ v.
upwards /ʌpwədz/ adv.
surplus /’sɜ:pləs/ n.
approve /ə’pru:v/ n.
approve of sth.
sponsor /’spɒnsə/ n.
expense /ɪk’spens/ n.
launch /lɔ:ntʃ/ v.
damp /dæmp/ adj.
descend /dɪ’send/ v.
barrier /’bærɪə/ n.
shabby /’ʃæbɪ/ adj.
caution /’kɔ:ʃn/ v.
literary /’lɪtərerɪ/ adj.
bench /bentʃ/ n.
preview /’prɪ:vju:/ n.
departure /dɪ’pɑ:tʃə/ n.
carriage /’kærɪdʒ/ n.
merry /’merɪ/ adj.
chorus /’kɔ:rəs/ n.
a chorus of
arbitrary /’ɑ:bɪtrərɪ/ adj.
cater /’keɪtə/ v.
cater for
homeland /’həum,lænd/ n.
enterprise /’entə,praɪz/ n
correspond /‚kɒrɪ’spɒnd/ v.
correspond with
anniversary /‚ænɪ’vɜ:sərɪ/ n.
donate /dəʊ’neɪt/ v
update /ʌp’deɪt/ v.
decorate /’dekə,reɪt/ v.
whichever /wɪtʃ’evə/ pron.
zone /zəʊn/ n.
independence/‚ɪndɪ’pendəns/ n
imagination /ɪ‚mædʒɪ’neɪʃn/ n.
typically /’tɪpɪklɪ/ adv.
reflect /rɪ’flekt/ v.
surgeon /’sɜ:dʒən/ n.