今天晚上看《王牌对王牌》,游戏里提到了 「碰瓷」。
而我认为,最接近我们日常表达的「碰瓷」,其实是下面的 scam。
根据 Wiktionary 对 scam artist 的英英解释:
A person who attempts to defraud others by presenting a fraudulent offer and pretending that it is legitimate; a con artist.
好像看来,scam 是最好对应「碰瓷」这个行为的英文单词。
当然也查到 staged crash,这个短语表示故意制造交通事故的骗保行为。
Drivers maneuver unsuspecting motorists into crashes in order to make false insurance claims. The cars generally suffer little damage in relation to the large demand that is then fraudulently submitted.
在 Google Image 里搜「scam artist」和「traffic」放在一起的结果是:
碰瓷:scam -
碰瓷儿的人:scammer / scam artist / con artist -
骗保碰瓷儿的人:insurance scammer -
伪造交通事故:fake road injuries / staged crash
The End.
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