澳打君仔细研究了一下澳洲移民与边境保护部网站上关于work and holiday签证(462)的英语要求,我们来大致翻译一下(斜体部分):
Functional English 基本应用英语水平
You must provide evidence that you have at least functional English. This can be:
evidence you are a citizen of and hold a valid passport issued by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, or the Republic of Ireland 这一条就不解释了,说多了都是泪
an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) average band score of at least 4.5 for the four test components (speaking, reading, listening and writing) no more than two years ago 此条最关键,简单来说就是雅思均分4.5,不要求单项分,但必须在有效期内(雅思有效期两年)
a Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 133 on a computer-based test, 450 on a paper-based test or 45-46 on an internet-based test, no more than two years ago 托福也可以,机考133分,纸质考试450分或者托福网考45-46分,同样是有效期内(托福有效期两年),这些都是老托了,可以忽略!
the Occupational English Test (OET) no more than two years ago 国内没听说过有这个考试
a Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) total band score of at least 32 for the four test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening no more than two years ago 又来一个托福iBT,这个才是我们需要关注的(即新托福),32分(两年有效期内)
a Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) overall band score of at least 30 for the four test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening no more than two years ago 这个貌似也没有…
all years of primary education and at least three years of secondary school at an institution where all the instruction was in English 全部的小学课程和至少三年中学课程是纯英语教学(这一条估计在中国不好实施,记得最开始新西兰也有类似的条款,后来就只认雅思了)
at least five years of secondary education (high school) at an educational institution in which all instruction was in English 至少五年的中学教育是纯英文教学(参考上一条)
a post-secondary qualification with at least two years of full-time study, in which all tuition was in English 中学之后的教育至少两年是纯英语教学(参考上上条)
at least one year of full-time study or equivalent towards a degree, higher degree, diploma or associate diploma at an Australian institution where all the instruction was in English. 至少一年在澳洲的全日制学习,学习的目的是获取学位(各种学位,看起来有点晕)
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