[PDF电子书]Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis

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By 拔丝英语网

Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis, 3rd Edition

Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis

Basic prevention and control measures Little information is lnown regarding the pathogenesis of Protus spp. Control procedures effective against other Gram-negative bacteria appear to be effective against Poteus spp. Effective environmental sanitation practices incdude the use of inorganic bedding, avoiding overcrowding of cows, frequent removal of manure and urine, and preventing access to muddy lots or corrals, wet areas under shade, marshy areas, and pools of standing water. The use of an effective germicidal pre-dip and thoroughly drying teats prior to milking may reduce infections during lactation. Immunization of cows with Iough mutants, such as E. coli J5, can reduce incidence and severity of clinical cases caused by many Gram-negative mastitis causing bacteria.
Additional information Poteaus spp. are not common mastitis pathogens in most herds. Often, the presence of these bacteria on a standard milk culture is the result of contamination. Careful attention to the guidelines for dcermining a contaminated sample should be followed. Protus spp., in some instances, can cause herd outbreaks. Infections tend to be chronic and clinical cases are often severe. These infections respond poorly to antibiotic therapy.

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