- ESL Library: This website has a range of Valentine’s Day materials for different levels, including lesson plans, reading passages, and worksheets. You can sign up for a free trial to access some of the materials, or purchase a subscription to access everything.
- BusyTeacher: This website has a variety of Valentine’s Day worksheets and activities for different levels, including reading comprehension passages, writing prompts, and vocabulary exercises.
- Teach-This: This website has a selection of Valentine’s Day lesson plans and worksheets, including listening exercises, discussion questions, and role-playing activities.
- British Council: The British Council website has a Valentine’s Day lesson plan for intermediate-level students, which includes reading and listening activities, vocabulary practice, and discussion questions.
- Breaking News English: This website has a Valentine’s Day-themed lesson plan for advanced-level students, which includes a news article to read and discuss, vocabulary practice, and discussion questions.

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