从教材英语到高考英语,熟词生义对很多学生都是难点。现在,学生的英语阅读材料来源广,原汁原味,但由于阅读量不足,语境意识没有形成,很多他们熟知的词让他们犯难。今天,学生提到的两个词值得说道说道,一个是dress, 一个是sharp。
一学生问我:At dinner, mother dressed a chicken for my friends, 晚饭时,招待我的朋友,妈妈为什么要打扮一只鸡?我告诉他:dress 除了有穿衣服的意思外,还有好几个意思,比如,dress在这个句子中的英文意思是prepare food for cooking or eating,也就是这只鸡是现杀的,在拔毛破膛,洗干净后烹制出来。之后,我给他写了几个句子,让他根据语境猜猜dress都是什么意思。
1. My wife is expert at dressing cold dishes.
2. Before the Spring Festival, most of us will dress our house.
3. After the fighting,the nurses were busy dressing the wounds of the wounded soldiers.
4. What they have done these days is seen as window dressing.
A bus will pick up the students at the school gate at 1 o’clock. The game will start at 3 sharp.
1.Shops are reporting a sharp rise in sales of organic produce.
2.The warm weather was in sharp contrast to
last year‘s cold temperatures.
3.He has a sharp wit and a wicked sense of humour.
4.Cut the melon in half using a sharp knife.
5.Sharp words were exchanged.
6.He was left a sharp sense of
disappointment with her girl
friend leaving her. He thought he
was the king of sorrow.
7.My new TV has a very sharp picture.
8.That cheese is too sharp for me.
9. Tod looks really sharp in his new
shirt,drawing a lot of attention in
his office.
10. It had been a frosty morning, to be sure, a
sharp frost, which hardly one man in a
thousand could stand the test of.
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via 李陆桂Englishlearner